College Imagine AKA Promises

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For the last week both you and your boyfriend had been extremely busy to the point that you almost never saw each other. You stayed up late each night studying for your upcoming finals and by the time you made it to bed, you only had a couple of hours to pass out next to him before he would be gone for his early morning swim practices. On top of that, you had no classes together meaning that you literally never saw each other throughout the day. It was almost as if someone wanted the two of you to drift apart.

Yet here you were, once again hunched over a library desk, hoping to cram some more information from you textbook into your brain so that you had at least a chance of not failing your class. You wanted nothing more than to head back to your apartment and snuggle with your giant of a boyfriend, but instead you forced yourself to stay in your seat and scribble down more notes over things you were sure you needed to know. For the next hour, you worked as hard as you could, burning through the last of your energy and willpower until your eyelids were drooping and you had read the same page four times with no comprehension of what was written on them. As if right on cue, your phone buzzed on the table next to you, lighting up with a text from the person you wanted to see the most.

'Hey, are you ever coming home from studying? You should really be getting more sleep so you don't burn yourself out before your tests..... Plus I miss you.'

A warmth spreads through your chest as you read over the text once more, his concern bringing a smile to your face as you type out a response.

'Yeah I'll be home as soon as I can. Shouldn't you already be asleep? You have another morning practice you know.'

Almost immediately after your text is sent, you receive his simple yet adorably sweet reply.

'I can't sleep without you.'

Typical Makoto. Yet if you were telling the truth, you didn't sleep very well alone either when he left in the morning.

'How about this? I'll come home early if you promise to stay home with me in the morning and sleep in with me?'

'Deal.' Is all he replies to your proposition, but you know he is more than happy to get to even spend a little time with you.

Hurriedly, you pack up all your studying materials and make your way out of the library and to your shared apartment where Makoto is waiting for you. It only takes you about ten minutes from when you received his last text, yet as you step through the front door, you are greeted with the sight of Makoto snoring slightly as he sits against the wall in the front entry. The sight of him sleeping there is in itself adorable, but paired with the fact that he fell asleep waiting for you made the scene in front of you that much cuter. You are hesitant to wake him up, but figure it's for the best as you gently shake his shoulder.

'Hey Mako, time to wake up. I'm home.' You whisper gently as his eyes flutter open, his sleepy green orbs meeting yours as he pulls himself into consciousness.

'Come on, let's get to sleep the proper way.' You continue, holding your hand out to him to help pull him up and lead him to your bedroom, tossing aside your backpack along the way.

The second you make it through your bedroom door, you feel his hand release from yours, immediately followed by his arms wrapping gently around your waist pulling you back against his chest.

'You know, I've missed you this week.' His voice comes lowly next to your ear, his breath puffing warmly against your cheek as he rests his chin in the juncture of your neck.

'I've missed you too.' You breathe out, your hands covering his and your eyes sliding shut as you melt into his embrace. You felt completely at peace standing there in his arms, his solid chest behind you reminding you how lucky you were that he was truly there.

'We better get to bed before we sleep standing up.' He comments softly, receiving only a hum from you in response as he gently leads you to bed, his arms never leaving your waist as you tumble onto it together.

Soon enough, you are all settled in with blankets and pillows all around only adding to the natural heat of Makoto's arms surrounding you. You couldn't think of a time you had ever felt more comfortable and safe, and you knew you would be asleep in a matter of seconds.

'Hey Mako?' You start, your brain scrambling to put together the words you wanted to say before you drifted off. A slight hum was the only indication of a response from him before you continued. 'Promise you'll be here in the morning? I don't want to wake up alone.'

There was a slight shuffling as Makoto pulls you tighter against his chest, his nose burying in your hair as he finds a response.

'I promise. I'll be here tomorrow morning, and every morning forever. I promise I'll never let you wake up alone again.'

Written by: ceader43

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