The Ending

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Hey peeps!

I do not own Naruto! Please do not try to sue me! I only own my main character, Mitsu, her mother, father, and brother, and the story line I have created for her. Please do not steal my story.

Without further ado, I give you the Blood in our Veins.

Sometimes, if one looks hard enough, they will be able to find her. It wasn't as if Mitsu was invisible or shy, quite the contrary; she was open, confident, and brave; but people often found it pleasant for her to just be around. Therefore, there was no reason to announce her arrival, it was just felt. 

When Mitsu entered the village that day however, after having been on a mission with her family, no one felt her presence. Usually, they would know if she was back, had felt a twinge in their heart's as her life-force penetrated the village's gates. Mitsu refused to tell all of the civilians that they felt it because of her own power, her drop of blood swirling in their veins, checking each and every time the moment she stepped within the boundaries that everyone was okay.

That day, they did not feel anything. They could see her, laying on the ground directly inside the gates, head against the ground as she screamed, but they could not sense that she was there. Their hearts could not believe their eyes.

Beside Mitsu lay a man, half-dead and dying, Mitsu's father. He held a scroll to his chest as he gazed up at the cloudless sky, willing it to express the emotions he felt so painfully in his heart. Tears streaked down his red face, dried blood allowing the salty substance to track paths down to his chin.

A cold chill ran up the villager's backs as they listened to the pitiful moans and shrieks that continued out of Mitsu's mouth, they wondered what had happened to her and why, with their family so close, her father was not soothing her. It wasn't until the Hokage showed up that things started moving again.

The crowd that had gathered around the two dispersed quietly, scattering to do their own jobs and gossip like mad about the horrible sight they had witnessed. No one tried to comfort them. 

It wasn't out of rudeness that they didn't though, but rather ignorance. Mitsu was the one to comfort them, Mitsu was the one who came to them in their time of need, Mitsu never cried, she was always happy. Mitsu couldn't possibly be that poor, screaming child that lay on the ground, retching up blood and screaming for her mother. It simply wasn't possible.

Her father was the first to be taken to the hospital, as he had much larger and life threatening wounds, which, left untreated, would kill him. She was taken next, placed upon the back of a silver haired Shinobi, practically a second father to the girl. His eyes portrayed the emotions he left deep inside, worry, fear, grief. As Mitsu was picked up and slung onto the man's back, she gripped his shirt hard, pulling at it and hiding in the top of his head, willing herself to melt into oblivion, to no longer exist. 

They tried to take the scroll away from her father as he was sent in for surgery, but even in his deathly state, he would not let go. He clung to it as if without it the world would burn. He would only hand it to Mitsu, and rather tentatively.

Mitsu was sent to another room, where medical Shinobi checked and healed the girl's smaller wounds. They found it peculiar how minor the wounds were, considering her father's major ones. When asked to put the scroll that she held so tightly to her chest, down, she replied as her father did, and clung all that more tightly. It wasn't until after her team of three Genin and one Jonin came to visit that they found out what lay inside the precious scroll.

"Hey, Mitsu?" It did not seem as if she could hear the quiet whisper from the room's doorway. Her head was clenched between her knees, golden red hair in disarray as she held tightly to her head, rocking back and forth in a small ball, scroll within the container she had made with her body.

It wasn't until a hand gently touched her shoulder did she stop rocking, lifting her head out from its' hiding to look into a pair of bright blue eyes, eyelashes long and curvy, emotion filling in the streaks of lighter blue.

"Naruto?" Was Mitsu's short reply, questioning the blonde's appearance. "Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei?" They were all there, staring at her in sympathy. Naruto still held onto her shoulder tightly, willing her to be okay.

"Hey Mitsu, how are you feeling?" Sakura asked, trying to keep her voice light, though really her throat was clogged up and she found it hard not to burst into tears.

"I don't understand, what am I doing here?" Her reply caused a sharp intake of breath by her Sensei, causing her to look over at him. She was not expecting what she found, as Kakashi's one visible eye filled up with clear tears, finding their way down his cheek before he could quickly wipe it away. Only Mitsu had seen, the others oblivious to his pain.

"You were hurt on a mission." Sasuke replied, knowing no one else would.

"Where's Mom and father? Where's little brother?"

Silence impregnated the room, as Mitsu began to panic, looking in all of the faces around her, trying not to cry, though it wouldn't really help her already puffy and red face.

"What happened to them?!" She exclaimed, still sitting in the hospital bed in a ball, beginning to rock back and forth.

Sakura started crying, as Naruto whispered Mitsu's name, sympathy crawling up his throat. It wasn't until she looked down at her hands that she noticed the scroll held tightly within them. Then everything came rushing back.

"Oh God no!" Mitsu started exclaiming, breathing hard and fast as she looked down at the remains of her mother and brother within her hands, her eyesight became focused as she looked at the miniscule details of her palms and the ninja scroll, meant for sealing away Anbu bodies. It did its' job well.

The others tried to calm her, soothe her somehow, but it was impossible. A nurse came in after hearing the screams, quickly trying to subdue the young girl, but was not ready for her unnatural speed and strength. 

Ripping her arms out of the other's hold, Mitsu held the scroll to the nurse's face, screaming, "Save them! They're still alive, save them! Quickly, please!"

"Mitsu, they aren't alive anymore, she can't save them. They're gone now," Kakashi tried to reason with the girl, not succeeding in his efforts as Mitsu ran out of her room to try and find a doctor. One happened to be crossing the hallway, and unexpectedly was pushed into the wall opposite, a scroll held underneath his nose and a hand holding his neck tightly.

"Heal them! Heal them now! I beg of you!" Mitsu did not realize she was crying until her voice broke, the doctor's bewildered face reminding her of what she was doing. Her team pulled at her, and she let them take her into their embrace, collapsing to the floor.

She continued to hold tightly onto the scroll as Kakashi held her in his lap, holding her head against his chest and rubbing circles into her back as she wept into his shoulder. The other three stayed beside them, Sakura crying into Sasuke's shoulder, his teeth biting into his lip, and Naruto staring at the two with wide eyes. The doctor and nurse stayed to listen to the girl's pleas under her breath, staring with sadness and sympathy. Kakashi muttered I'm Sorry's until the girl had passed out, disturbed by the words she had uttered.

"Give them back to me. Give them back to me. Give them back to me. They aren't dead, no. They're right here. Right here. I'll find them. I'll find them or I'll join them. Mommy, brother, I'll be right there. Wait for me, please. Just wait for me. I'll be right there."





I tried to make it kind of depressing, but it won't be this sad the entire time, don't worry. But do get ready for some heart-wrenching scenes! I love to make people cry, well, and laugh. Mostly cry.

Pic above is Mitsu, but a little younger and without the mask and staff.

Anyways, see you next chapter! And don't forget to vote please please please!

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