Deadly Games

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"You think so? Well, let's give you a little challenge then, eh?"

The voice was shocking, grating against the night silence. We all turned toward the voice, except for my mother, who fell towards the ground.

"Mom!"I screamed, reaching forwards and catching her before she could hit the ground and possibly get injured further.

"Who are you?" My father asked, growling with anger and bloodthirst.

"It's ok mom, not too bad." I told her, cradled in my lap, as I analysed the wound. The shuriken had missed any serious arteries or organs, a surface wound that just needed a few stitches at the most.

"I was just surprised is all, it doesn't even hurt that much. oof! Ok, whatever you did there did hurt." I smiled at her words, knowing it was because I had stuck my fingers inside the wound to check how deep it went. Tying one of our black ribbons around her midsection, the fabric already painted in old blood, I stopped the bleeding while she clenched her teeth in annoyance.

I tuned back into the conversation happening around me as we stood up once again, only a slight tenseness betraying mother's injury.

"-Buffoons can't do anything right! I bet you guys are easy to take out, Ha!" The man who had surprised us replied, and I knew instantly that he worked under the same people the bandits had, fighting with his abilities for the same goal.

Surrounding us was a circle of corpses, and within this circle were walking corpses that forgot they were dead. I knew, my parents knew, my uncle knew, this man probably knew, that a ninja's time is limited.

"The cat or the lightning?" I asked, our small family getting into position for anything, a semi-circle making shape within the outer circle, like a ritual. We faced the new man, his smile cruel and empty, like a clown's sad lifting of the lips. A scar stood stark against the backdrop of his tan skin, tracing the edge of his right ear and up to an eyebrow.

"Lightning." was my father's short reply, my mother nodding her head in agreement and my uncle bending his knees for an easy stance.

"I'm going to kill you weaklings now, I've never been defeated!" I found it stupid that he would've said that, of course he's undefeated, he was still alive. A ninja didn't survive if they were defeated, they died.

"Analysis," My uncle said, "7 strength, 4 speed, 3 chakra, 2 intelligence. Mostly close fighter, not much skill in taijutsu or ninjutsu. No skill in Genjutsu. Uses lower ranked weapons, easily angered. Weaknesses include lightning based ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, sight, and smell. Conclusion, type D"

I smiled, I enjoyed this part quite a lot. My uncle was the best at analyzing and taking apart people, realizing their weaknesses and strengths. Type D was only one level up from E, which were civilians. We used this method of analysation as a part of our teamwork, to see what each person should do, how we can work with each other. We've taken many type D's down before, this one was no different.

"Lightning confirmed, Tiger on lightning, Ferret on thunder, Eagle on wind, rabbit on rain," I said. My job was to give them the jobs best suited to each.

We jumped into action at once, and it was beautiful. My Uncle went forwards, striking at the man suddenly, though he dodged the attack. My Father jumped above his head, making hand signs to produce lightning chakra in his hand, a version of the famous Kakashi's Chidori, while my mother went to the back, creating a wind based attack that would benefit father's attack. I swept back, taking my ring and slicing a bigger scar across my arm, blood flowing out the wound and creating a large cloud of agitated blood above me. I used it to create hard shards, solidifying the liquid substance with sharp points.

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