Chapter Nine: Frozen And Numb

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"Well that went well." I say, disappointed. I kick at the sand with my shoes, Jacob walking alongside me.

Paul and the rest of them are walking in front of us, and when he things we're not looking, Paul looks behind him too casually.

"We could always try again." Jacob says, trying to cheer me up. I shrug.

"You saw her, she doesn't want to leave." I take a shuddering breath, "What if she's too far gone?" I whisper. Then Jacob snorts.

"What?" I ask.

"Gone? Susan Gone?" He laughs, and I punch his arm lightly with my fist, "What? She'll come back." Then he starts cracking up, making me laugh in the process.

"Alright," I tell him, getting serious again, "We have to stay focused, who knows what'll happen ne--"

"FOR NOXUS!" Hisses out a voice. Suddenly, poisonous blasts of acid spray towards me, and I lift up my hands over my face, closing my eyes, as if it'll help.

I wait for it to hit me, but it never does. I open my eyes to see Cassiopeia on the ground, a gash on her stomach from Leilah's ice whip. Blood gurgles out of her mouth, and I can see one of her talons curl in defeat. But then I see Paul lying on the ground in front of me, the acid searing off his armor, and then burning his skin. It's not supposed to be like this.

"Jacob!" I shout, and he startles, "What are we supposed to do? This isn't supposed to happen!" I'm hysterical.

I rush to his side, crying. Right now, instead of burning away, he's supposed to disappear and respawn, but he's not.

When I try to touch his wounds, he swats my arm away.

"Don't," He croaks, "You'll burn."

"But we can't just let you die!" I exclaim, and I try to take off his armor. With my friends' help, I manage to get it off him, but the poison is moving too fast.

I cry, and I hear Paul's voice talk to Jacob.

"Take care of her for me, 'kay, Jake?" He asks, and Jacob nods.

"Twins, keep fighting," He says, and they laugh, "Honestly, it was super funny."

"Leilah, you should tell her," He says, and she nods. I give her a look, but she mouths, Later.

"And Missy," He starts to tear up, "I love you." And then he's gone. His body motionless on the desert sand.

"I love you, too." I whisper back to his dead body. I stand up.

"Let's go," I say to my friends, "He's sacrificed himself for me, and now, we have to keep going."

They nod and we walk towards what looks to be Bilgewater, but I can't stop the sadness that spreads throughout me.

A tear falls from my eye, hitting the ground, and from it, sprouts a flower, frozen and numb.

Like me.

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