Chapter Two

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~Chapter Two~

Time seemed to stop as I was abruptly thrown into this empty state. My mind collapsed, my thoughts crumbled. I soon found myself lost in a dark void, which was darker even than the Father's soul. I would have thought I was dead if I hadn't known any better. I began to wander aimlessly through the darkness. My feet were heavy and reluctant, my body did not want to move. Though, I bound it to, and despite how ruthlessly I forced my feet down against the floor each step I took, my footsteps were silent.

My chest grew weightless as I traveled through this desolate place. As I stepped farther into the darkness, I felt my feet loosening, they were becoming lighter. The black haze which surrounded me seemed welcoming. It invited me to step in farther, I did not hesitate. I eventually felt my feet come to a halt, before my body grew numb. I lifted my hand, my fingers spread far and scratched at the ebony fog drifting in front of me. Suddenly, it tore. I slipped my fingers through, hauling my arm forward and tearing through. There was something out there, beyond the darkness. Abruptly, a piercing flash struck through my eyes. I ripped my arm free from the hole, tears forming in my eyes. I lifted my hands to my face, rubbing my irritated eyes. I was blinded.

My calves grew weak; I crumbled to my knees. An overwhelming presence possessed my body, I began to tremble. My wrists began aching and an unbearable pressure grew in my head, as if somebody were crushing my skull. Then, suddenly, my eardrums popped. The silence of the void was shattered and bodiless voices roared in my ears. Terror and confusion struck me bitterly and I forced my upper body up off of the floor. I needed to get up, I needed to run. The aching in my wrists disseminated into a throbbing pain, and gradually grew more and more severe until a horrid twinge struck through both my arms. My back arched forward and my whole body grew tense, an ear-splitting wail escaped my throat. I forced my watery eyes open and stared down at my wrists. My jaw dropped; my eyes grew large. I gazed upon the soft, delicate flesh of my inner right arm beginning to tear. I shrieked and cupped a desperate hand over the spreading wound, though fresh blood squeezed its way between my fingers and dribbled from my hand. I jerked my hand away as the skin of my left wrist broke as well, scarlet fluid spraying across the raven floor. As the gashes spread up my arms, they began to form unfamiliar writing. Foreign symbols scored themselves deep into my flesh. They tore through my skin without difficulty. I felt a new vein burst with every incision that was made. My throat began to tighten, my mouth went dry, tears streamed from my eyes as so did blood from these sprouting wounds.

My gaze was locked upon the symbols carved in my grisly arms. As hard as I tried, I couldn't look away. My eyes followed the jagged outline of the bloody characters. My whole body trembled, violently grinding my teeth behind my lips. Each character, one by one, burned its ugly image in my brain. I couldn't take it anymore. I threw my head back in a blood-curdling howl.

"WAKE UP!" I cried, clenching my bloodied hands into tight fists. The pain grew worse.

"WAKE UP!" I repeated, louder... I threw my arms up behind my head, forcing my fists down hard against the ebony floor. My knuckles screamed.

"WAKE UP... WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I bawled, my hands clenched my teary face and my fingers curled into claws; I began raking my cheeks, over and over. The pain only grew worse. My mind was at its mercy. I was in hysteria. My eyes locked on the white, blazing tear that I had left in the shadows. I prayed for this torment to be over. I prayed for anything, anything else but this. Perhaps, it was the first time I had ever prayed in my life.

I closed my eyes... And as I did, it all stopped.

The pain went numb. The bodiless howls were silenced. I opened my eyes, and the darkness vanished. My eyes began adjusting to the new atmosphere. Before long, I found myself staring up at the stain-glassed ceiling of the church. I still lay in the main isle; where I had been when I passed out. Beads of sweat rolled down the sides of my face, my breathing was heavy. I was disoriented, but I was okay.

It was only a bad dream... I tried reassuring myself, It was only a bad dream...

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2013 ⏰

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