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(Your P.O.V)

I tossed and turned on the spacey couch, gripping at the blankets and softly crying into the pillow. I was in the middle of an insane nightmare of a huge bear chasing me through a darkened labyrinth. A soft, eerie melody was always playing, whispering on the cool draught that flowed past my ears as I ran.

Guess who's behind you?

Standing by the door?

Eyes glowing white,

Low hanging jaw... 

I stumbled over my feet, tripping and skidding onto the cold black and white tiled floor. The metallic stomps of the mechanical menace growing louder in my ears with each passing second. Huge metallic paws lifted me as I furiously kicked and screamed.

A heavy suit I carry in my hand,

I hope that you'll understand.

Struggling against the bears paws was proving futile and it only wore me out as it dragged me deeper into the labyrinth. It took me into a small room that was littered with heads. I could make out various yellow and purple heads that seemed to resemble a chicken and a rabbit. I was thrown onto a table where a silver skeleton looking thing sat with its 'eyes' closed. The metallic bear was joined by two figures that I couldn't make out. One was greyish in colour while the other was a dark green. A light was flicked on and I could finally see the two mysterious figures. There, standing next to the brown bear, were two dog like animatronics. 

As we've been so lonely here,

Waiting for a friend,

you will stay until the end...

The brown bear clomped over to a (f/c) (f/a) suit, pulling it open as I struggled against the two animatronics that were holding me down. It's head did a 180 degree turn to face me as it stalked over as the other two lifted me. I screamed, kicking my legs and pounding on the moving suits, only hearing the bangs of metal as my fist came into contact with it. I tried crying out for help, but I couldn't hear my voice. I tried screaming louder, but it was just silent. Everything was mute, I couldn't even hear the wheezing of the suits that held me. In a last attempt to save myself, I threw a punch at the green dog-things head, which squinted the head up a little. The smell that hit me was sickening and I watched as it lifted the head to reveal something inside it, screaming as I saw the sickening sight before me.

There, inside the green fenris (winged wolf) suit was a rotting corpse. Its eyes were sunken in and its mouth lay open like it- no- she was screaming. Its crimson red hair was shrivelled and dying, but the face was instantly recognisable.

It was Storm.

Wide eyed you're screaming,

What did we do wrong?!

Stay still my friend,

This wont take long..

Frail bones break under pressure,

So we heard,

Mind your head,

This could hurt

Now that you live with us here,

We can be good friends,

'cause you'll stay until the end.

My Friend...

Skyward (Vincent x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now