Part 3

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We had to tell our fans.

There was no question about it.

Ian didn't want to, but it was really the only logical thing to do. Especially now that his mom knew, the word was sure to get out eventually. And it would be the end of the world if they found out by anyone other than us.

So, while Ian was at the grocery store, I set up our good camera and some lights in the middle of the living room.

And then I waited.

And when Ian walked through the front door with a dozen plastic bags slung over his arms, he set them down and took off his sunglasses, revealing his confused expression.

"What are you-"

"Sit down," I ordered, dragging two chairs in front of the camera.


"We're gonna come out to our viewers."

He froze, and shook his head. "Not yet."

I exhaled heavily, frustrated. "Why not?"

"Becuase... Because I look like shit."

I rolled my eyes. "Cause you ever give a damn about your appearance."

He bit his lip. "I just don't want to yet, okay?"

I closed my eyes and leaned against the back of the chair. "I know why you don't want to."

He didn't answer, just raised his eyebrows, questioning.

"You're embarrassed."


I stood up straight and crossed my arms. "To be gay. To be... with me."

He walked closer to me, but I inched away.

He sighed. "You know that's not true."

"Then what the fuck is it, Ian? Why can't the world know about us?!" I was now yelling, running my fingers through my hair.

"Anthony, calm-"

"No. No, Ian. I won't calm down. I'll calm down when the whole world knows how much I love you."

He turned around, breathing in. "I just... Why do we have to so soon?"

"Two months isn't exactly soon."

He shook his head. "I'm not doing this today."

"You promised it would be soon."

"Yesterday wasn't exactly soon."

"That didn't even make fucking sense."

"You know what I meant."

I felt the sweat forming on my forehead, which always happened when I got too mad.

Ian noticed, because his face loosened and he sighed.

"I'm sorry, Anthony. Please don't get mad."

I laughed. A pissed off, joking laugh. "Well it's a little fucking late for that."

"I'm so sorry, Ant. I promise we'll tell them soon."

I shook my head. "Fuck you."

And with that, I stormed off to my room, slamming the door behind me.

I never fight with Ian. Ever. Okay, maybe little fights over video scripts and costumes and Smosh, but never real fights with swearing and sweat on my forehead and yelling. I didn't like the feeling.

Why, though? Why was Ian embarrassed to be with me? I wanted the world to know about us. I wanted to be able to hold hands while we're in public and kiss him anywhere but at home with the blinds shut. I wanted people to be jealous. I wanted the world to know that Ian Hecox was mine.

A minute or so later, Ian was already knocking on my door.

"God dammit, I obviously don't wanna talk to you right now, asshole."

He opened the door anyways. "Come get dinner with me. Please. We can go wherever you want."

"I'm not hungry."


"I'm not hungry."

I heard him sigh from behind me. "Fine."

And then the door slammed.

I felt a pang of guilt after I heard him swear out in the hallway, but it quickly vanished. 

I stood up, locked the door, and drove my fist into the wall.

If he was really embarrassed to be with me, maybe it would be best if we weren't together at all.

A/N: Ugh. Sorry this is really short): It's really hard to write about them fighting cause it just seems so unreal, you know? But yeah. And sorry if it gets a litle intense, I'm listening to the new Fall Out Boy album right now xD Anyways, I promise the next part will be better. Okok peaceskies \(^.^)/

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