Part 14

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Two days passed. Two of the worst days of my life.

I spent every second of every day looking. Not sure what I was exactly looking for, just... something. Something to let me know he was okay. Any sort of clue as to where he was. Any twinge of hope.

But, I found nothing. Absolutely nothing. He could be dead. And I would have no way of knowing.

I didn't sleep. I didn't eat. I did nothing but sit there, wishing he was sitting there with me. I missed him, I missed him, I missed him. God, I spent every second of my day missing him. I loved him. So much. I just had no way of saying it.

Today, I was going to his mom's house. I called her the day it happened and yesterday, and she didn't answer both times. So I just drove around, looking for something. Anything. But, I was left empty-handed.


When I got to his mom's house, I felt relief when I saw her car in the driveway. So she had been there, she just wouldn't answer the phone.

I knocked on the door, my fist shaking. God, I hoped she knew something. I couldn't last much longer without him. I just needed to know he was at least okay.

She answered the door, and frowned a little when she saw me. She cleared her throat and looked down.

"Oh, uh, hi, Anthony..."

"Hey, can, can I come in?" I asked,squinting a little at her unusal behavior. Usually, she was so welcoming; so energetic. Today, she looked like she wanted nothing to do with me.

"Yeah, sure." She stepped aside and hesitantly opened the door.

"Thanks," I said, trying to make my voice sound as unsuspcious as possible. "You probably know what I'm here for..."

She nodded. "Sit down. I'll get you something to drink."

I smiled a little. "Thanks."

So, I sat down on her large, plush couch, sighing. She knew something, I could tell. She could be my answer.

She returned a moment later, a water bottle in her hand. I thanked her and took a sip, and she slowly sat down on the chair perpendicular to me, avoiding direct eye contact.

I cleared my throat. "Do... do you know where he is?"

She exhaled and looked up, finally meeting my eyes. "Well, damn, you figured me out." She smiled a little to lighten the situation, and although not much, it made things a little less tense. "Look, Anthony. Ian came over here a few days ago, and he, he told me where he was going. And he made me swear not to tell you. I'm not sure why. You know how he is."

I nodded, staring hard at her. "So, you know where he is, but you're not gonna tell me."

She smiled a little. "I wish I could."

I laughed a little at the irony. At least he was okay. 

"Anthony, he still loves you. So much. He just needs some time... away. He'll be back soon. I promise."

I nodded. "As long as he's okay."

Even though she told me he just needed time away, I couldn't help but think she was wrong. Some part of me was saying that I was supposed to go find him, that he left just so I would find him. I wasn't supposed to wait, I was supposed to go to him. 

I looked around at the pictures in frames along the walls and on side tables. Ian was in a lot of them, my Ian. He was so young, so adorable. I smiled at them, and stopped as my eyes caught one across the room. One I don't think I'd ever seen before. I had been in this room countless times, and had probably seen every picture just as many. But this one seemed totally unfamiliar.

I slowly stood up and walked over to it, feeling Ian's mom trailing close behind me. I stopped in front of it and examined it, my face twisting.

It was a picture of Ian; must had been taken years and years ago. He was laying in his bed, his long hair rounding off the top of his head. His sister was next to him, holding something in her hand. It was a little red case, and she was laughing. Ian looked disgusted, but the kind of disgusted where you were trying not to laugh also.

"Oh, yeah," his mom remarked from behind me, startling me a little. "When Ian first got that stupid mouthguard. His sister was the only one that made him wear it every night. If they still lived in the same house, I'm sure she still would. I don't know if she just wanted to torture him because he hated it so much, or if it was just because she cared, but she wouldn't go to bed without knowing he had it in."

I stared hard at the picture, her words bouncing around my head.

His sister was the only one that made him wear it every night. If they still lived in the same house, I'm sure she still would.    

Ian's mouthguard was gone.

Wherever he went, he took it with him.

I'm sure she still would.    

Ian was with his sister.

I spun around, my mouth dropping at the realization. I don't know if this was some sort of clue he left; if I was supposed to figure this out. But I did, and now I knew where I had to go.

"Oh my god," I breathed.

His mom cocked her head at me, but I was already gone. I dropped the water bottle in my hands and sprinted for the door, my heart leaping at the fact that I knew where the love of my life was, and soon, I would be with him again.

"Anthony, where are you going?!" His mom called from the doorway as I bolted towards my car.

"To get your son home."

A/N: There's only like two parts left D: As excited as I am to finish this, I'm gonna miss it :( okok peaceskies \(^.^)/

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