Pre-note: I've had a social life three days in a row what is happening omfg but anyways this chapter was super fun to wite c:
If Anthony really cared about me, he would find me.
That was my plan, at least. I was gonna leave for a week or so, just run away to my sister's house in New York, just to see whether or not he cared enough to even look for me. At first, I thought this was absolutely brilliant, and felt like fucking Einstein for it. It wasn't even until my plane had landed and I was walking to my sister's car that I reazlied how extremely idiotic it was.
How did I expect him to find me if I left no sort of clues for him? All I left was a little note, telling him I left, which was really pointless 'cause I think he could have figured that out on his own. I didn't do anything clever and leave a trail of clues for him ending at her house; I just left him a note. So I was just expecting him to magically know where I was from a couple sentences written on a piece of paper.
God, I was such an idiot.
But, there wasn't really any backing down now. Hell, I was already in New York. And besides, it had been over a year since I'd seen my sister. I decided then that I would spend a week or so here, just catching up, and then I would go home and see where fate takes us.
"Okay, so. You told me a lot on the phone, but not all of it. Catch me up."
My big sister, Megan, sat across from me at the dining table, sipping at some kind of soda they only sold in New York. Her husband, Mike, sat on the couch in the living room, watching How I Met Your Mother. I thought about it for a second; wondering what Mike would think about me being gay. They have been married for three years now, but I'd only met him like, four times. I liked him, despite not realy knowing him. After a minute of thinking, I decided to just say it. If Megan liked Mike enough to marry him, he must have been a pretty decent guy.
I exhaled heavily, thinking about all I'd told her on the phone. I've always had a really strong relationship with my sister, and she was actually the first person I told about the break-up. Of course, she didn't even know we were dating, but it really crushed her to hear. I remember back in high school when Anthony would come over every single day, and while she hated all of my other friends, she always loved Anthony. When I had told her we were dating in the first place, she responded with, "Well it's about god damn time."
I folded my arms across the table. "Okay. So. A few months ago, we started dating-"
"Wait wait wait." She sat up straighter. "You gotta tell me how it happened."
I smiled a little. My whole life, she has always been there for me. Of course, I was the typical annoying little brother, but our relationship was phenominal. She helped me through everything, and I knew I always had her support.
"Okay, the whole story." I sat up and went over every detail, about how we were just sitting on the floor, half-asleep, and he just told me, and at that moment, I realized I loved him too. And she smiled the whole time, and that, that really made me happy.
"Aww, Ian, I knew it." She smiled and took another sip of her soda. "Okay, so you didn't tell anyone for like, months."
I nodded. "Yeah. We just decided to keep it on the down-low. Didn't know how people would react. And then there was that day mom caught us fucking making out." I shuddered a little and watched as she chuckled. "And then our crew found out, and he wanted to tell our fans, but I didn't want to yet, and things got really messy, and now..." I looked down and tried to control the quivering in my voice, unsuccessfully. "It's all over, and I'm here at your house, running away from all my problems."
I watched as her face fell a little, and then she quickly replaced it with a sympathetic smile. "Ian, Anthony loves you. I could tell since the first day I met him. Everything's gonna be okay."
I nodded a little, but wasn't convinced. This was the point where I would shut up and agree, but since it was my sister, I kept going.
"It's just... I don't get it. I don't get why I can't get myself to tell all our fans. I'm just such... I'm just such a coward. I don't want them to react negatively. I wish we could just be happy together without other people flipping shit."
She nodded. "Look, Ian. You stay here for as long as you need to, but just know you can't escape all your problems by running. You're gonna go home soon, and you're gonna apologize to Anthony, and you're gonna get back together, and someday, when you're both ready, you're gonna tell all your fans, and it'll all work out."
I nodded a little. "Okay. Okay." I took a deep breath and stood up. "Thanks, Meg. I'm tired. Goodnight."
"Hey, wait." She stood up and grabbed her empty soda can. "Bring your mouthguard?"
I laughed a little. She was the only one in my family who actually gave a shit whether or not I wore that stupid thing. I swear, she was a better mom than mom was. She would probably die if she found out I only wore it when she was around.
"Of course I did."
A/N: I don't have much to say so... how is this? Let me know if you're liking it! :) okok peaceskies \(^.^)/

Fanfiction{CHAPTER FIC, COMPLETED, FLUFF/SLIGHT ANGST} Ian and Anthony have finally confessed their love for each other and began their wonderful journey as a couple. But when Anthony wants to tell the fans and Ian doesn't, will hell break loose, or will they...