I don't know why I'm starting this so late when I've been on this app since I was 13. It's just that now I'm more...I guess socially exposed?
I'm going to be using this platform to vent or just to tell stories. This way, I won't forget what I've done and what I have felt in my last year of college (which starts next week).
I don't expect for anyone but me to read this and if you do then you are more than welcome to comment about whatever. I'll find some time to reply to what you write, whether or not it's related to what I have written.
You see, I have a quite maternal nature. I'm always the more responsible one who looks after the group rather than the troublemaker of the group (though I can't say I haven't had my share of trouble). Though because I am this way, I feel like I am responsible for my friends and people always ask advice of me or tell me their life stories without my asking.
I like being this way, don't get me wrong. I also love listening what happens in people's lives and I like knowing that people open up to me easily when they are alone, just a one on one conversation.
However, because people tell me so much individually and this stuff is generally said in confidence, in group settings I feel...awkward. I am an extrovert but I do feel lonely most times because conversations like the ones I have cannot be discussed and so my bond with people cannot be recognised.
Because of this, I often don't get invited out. People prefer to invite people who one would consider to be "cool and good-looking" with them to places rather than the fat, geeky girl who knows just a bit too much about them.
So anyway, I hope that this is my year. The year I show people I am not just this girl who they think I am.
Let's just hope they open their eyes and their minds just a bit more.