T.V. Time

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Tohru here! Sorry it's been so long since I updated! I had camp and so many other things! So, after a long wait, here is the next chapter!

A reminder: I don't own Fruits Basket! Just my character and the plot I decide to take on!


"This is taking forever!" 

I'm prepping for my school entrance exam, which is coming up in one week. Hatori talked to the school, and it was decided that I would attend Kaibara High School as a first year along with Hastuharu and Momiji in the spring. I give up on my studying and head across the hall. Yuki is in the sitting room in front of the DVD player.

"Hello, Kasumi. Would you like to watch Spirited Away with us? Miss Honda is preparing snacks. If you want to help her, I'm sure she would appreciate it."

"I'll go help her then! Is Kyo gonna watch too?" Yuki's face darkens.

"I suspect the stupid cat may wander in at some point." I pause, shrug, and then turn and walk over to the kitchen. And he's the big brother??

"Talk about childish." And with that, I disappear into the kitchen.


Yuki's POV


"I wonder what that was about..." I haven't head Kasumi say something like that before. I shrug and decide to start Sprited Away DVD so we can start as soon as the snacks are finished. A few minutes later, around the end of the trailers, Miss Honda and my sister return with lots of snacks and a sulking cat. The explanation about him comes from Tohru.

"I felt bad about leaving Kyo all alone upstairs so asked him to join us!" I force a smile and turn back to the T.V.

"Stupid cat. If you don't want to be here, then go back upstairs." Kyo storms over to me.

"If you have something to say, say it to my face, ya damn rat! Don't just turn away!" He clenches his fists and glares at me. "Or would ya rather fight?" I look up at him.

"It's cold out and the movie is about to start. I'd rather not." I look back to the T.V. and sigh.

"Well, whatever then!" Kyo sits down in between my sister and Miss Honda.

"Why can't you two get ever along?! You can't go five minutes without fighting lately!" That's Kasumi. When I thought about it, I guess we have been fighting more than usual lately. Tohru looks over at me. She looks like she couldn't decide whether to say something or not. I shoot a smile at her.

"Miss Honda? Would you like to say something?" 

Her face becomes a mess of emotions. "Oh, no, no, no! I couldn't give my input on that! It would be rude!"

Kyo glances at her. "You know that you can complain a little once in a while. You don't have to be happy with us all the time." I nod in agreement. 

Tohru sighs and looks down at her food. "Well, I suppose that you two have been fighting a lot lately. Up until a little after Kasumi came, I thought you might have actually been starting to get along." I glance at Kyo and then back at Miss Honda.

"It's not that we mean to do it, Miss Honda. I guess we've just been on edge trying to please both of you. I suppose that we just made the situation worse."


Kasumi's POV


I mentally face palm. Tohru blushes. I gape at my brother.

"You think?! It seems like you guys have been looking for a fight every time you come around the corner the past few weeks! I just thought that- umm... you guys? We forgot about the movie... his parents are already hogs..." Kyo spins around to face the T.V.

"Dammit!! That's my favorite part! Well.. that and the giant blob monster thing." I laugh.

"No, no! Haku has the best parts." I wink at Tohru.

"No way! He's boring." Kyo huffs as he sits down in a huff. I reach for the remote and rewind it so we could all start from the beginning.


Kasumi P.O.V.

Later that night


I wake up to find everyone around the table asleep with the T.V. still on. I can't help but smile a bit. I stand up and reach across the table to get the remote. Shigure (unsurprisingly on an odd sleeping schedule) pops his head in. He looks at everyone else, then at me.

"How come I wasn't invited?" He makes a pouty face.

"Maybe it's because of how you act? I don't know." I glar at him.

"My, my, my. I guess that's that." He's about to continue to the kitchen when he stops and glances back. "By the way, I wouldn't try to wake those two-" He pointed and Yuki and Kyo, " because I don't want my house wrecked in the middle of the night. Just leave them. Go on to bed. Tohru is fine here with them." With that, Shigure disappears into the kitchen. I quietly get up and slip into my room to get ready for bed. A little while later, as soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall into a dreamless sleep.


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