Chapter Two: A change in routine

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I looked at my sister as another wave of agony rolled through my body. "Come on, let's get to the car. We need to go now." I helped my sister up and put my arm under her shoulder and led her out of the house. I helped her into the passenger side and closed the door. I went to the driver side and fished in my jeans pocket for my keys. I pulled them out then opened the door and got in. I pulled my seatbelt on and started the car.

I backed out of the driveway. Once all the way out, I put it in drive and drove away from our house. A spasm of pain sprang up again and I lost control of the car. I slammed it into a tree and blacked out. The next thing I knew, I was somehow in a flower-filled meadow with my sister.

A woman appeared in front of us. She had long silvery hair and dark eyes. "My daughters, do not be upset with your Chosen fate. Both of you have been Chosen by me." She kissed both our foreheads, and I felt the now already familiar tingle.


I could smell the Danger hormone emanating off two girls...twins. They were coughing violently as their pain made them ill because they had ignored it for a while. I looked at the girl with midnight black hair with unusual platinum blonde highlights: she looked directly at me as she was coughing.

I pointed to her then her sister, following the ritual correctly, and the familiar sapphire blue crescents appeared. I followed the black-haired girl as she carried her sister to the car and home.

They stayed in the house for about ten minutes. Then the black-haired girl helped her sister to the car and drove, but I watched in horror as they crashed. I immediately called the Tulsa Lunaris Academy. They sent a Son of Anubis and a large car. I pulled out the girl with platinum blonde hair first and the Son of Anubis pulled the black-haired girl out.

We put them in the back seat and I noticed both girls' crescents had filled in completely. I buckled them in and got in the passenger seat and we sped to the Tulsa Lunaris Academy. Once there I got the black haired girl out and the Son of Anubis got the blonde out. We carried them to the infirmary, then left the resident nurses to tend to them.


I awoke sometime later in a room. I looked over at my sister who at the moment was still asleep. How could I do this to my own sister? I thought to myself. It was then I realized I wasn't in pain or ill anymore. I sat up, and a blonde-haired nurse appeared in the doorway. "Oh, my dear, you're up. Let me call the High Priestess." She disappeared again.

I looked at my sister again- her crescent moon was completely filled in. I got out of my bed and went to the mirror in the room. My mark, too, was filled in. I heard someone enter the room and I turned. A dark skinned woman with long black hair and hazel eyes stood there. Her vampyre markings stood out from her skin- they were wispy.

From the crescent moon was what looked like a mere delicate-looking flame. Out of respect I bowed to her. She smiled at me. "I'm High Priestess Tina. And you are?" I straightened up. "Elizabeth Turman."

"Is that the name you want?" she asked pleasantly, a slightly confused look on her face.

"'s not," I replied.

"What name is it you want?" she said, leaning against the wall.

"Artimis Night." I heard my sister sit up. I turned and went to her. "Sister," I took her hand in mine. "

This is High Priestess Tina." I motioned toward the High Priestess with my hand.

"What is your name, dear one?" I was still looking at my sister when Tina asked her. She didn't hesitate. "Synthia Black." I smiled when she spoke. "Well, Artimis and Synthia, I am going to be your Mentor. And you should know that it is very unusual that I have taken on sisters." High Priestess Tina spoke somewhat timidly.


I remember Elizabeth half dragging me to the car. I would have rather died than be marked, but no. She was so intent on saving me. Inconsiderate bitch. Then, of course, she drives way too fast as usual. OK, so maybe that's just me being bitter- she wasn't driving that fast. And she crashes. Then nothing.

It felt like hours later when I sat up at the words "Artimis Night"- being spoken by my sister. She came over to me. As she made the introduction- "Sister," she said, "This is High Priestess Tina."- I looked warily at the woman leaning against the wall. She had dark skin, long black hair, hazel eyes, and beautiful vampyre markings. They were wispy and looked a little like a flame. Then she spoke to me in a rather melodic voice. "What is your name, dear one?"

I didn't have one in mind, but still I didn't hesitate and said the words that immediately came to mind as a name that seemed to fit who I truly was. "Synthia Black." After she said she would be our Mentor (which apparently was something rather unusual), Liz-sorry, Art and I were shown to our room. At least we didn't have to worry about being stuck with some snob as our roommates, which was lucky. Once we were a little settled in, we went exploring.

Walking through the halls, it suddenly hit me. The excitement of it. "Oh my gosh! We are in the house of the vampires!" My sister was shocked.

"I thought you were all bitter about this whole thing," she said.

"Not anymore. How can I be? We are actually in the Lunaris Academy! Oh- and...sorry I called you an inconsiderate bitch earlier. I'm actually grateful to you for saving my life."

"Umm, Syn, sweetie, you didn't call me that..." She had that sympathetic tone she gets when she thinks I've gone kinda loopy.

"I didn't? Oh, well then, I must've just thought it. Oops, sorry- I usually tell you whatever pops into my head. Guess I didn't this time..." She just laughed. Later on we had to ask directions from this really pretty, yet snobby girl so we could find the dining hall.

She 'allowed' us to follow at a certain distance behind her so she wouldn't look uncool by showing the newcomers the way. Looking at Artimis, I could tell her and I were thinking the same thing- What a Bitch! Then, this really hot guy brushed right past her, so when she paused, being all indignant, we shoved past her and hurried after 'Mr. Hottie'. Hey, I don't know his name and the guy is FINE, OK!

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