Chapter Five

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I sat on my bed, my mind wandering when a knock startled me out of my thoughts. I got up and wiped my face because just moments before I had been crying. I got up, then paused briefly before I opened the door. I noticed the exact same air pressure difference, the same as the guy from the dining hall. I opened the door curiously and found that my assumption was correct. There he stood, his sapphire moon standing out from his skin. His face was full of worry.

I spoke softly. “Hello, may I help you…” He then put his fist over his chest and bowed; the formal vampyre greeting. “I came to see if you were OK. My name is Archer.” he said, straightening up. 

I offered my hand. “Artimis Night. It’s nice to meet you Archer.” He clasped my forearm and I pulled my hand away. “I’m just slightly confused. This is all still very new to me. My first day and this happens.” I gestured to the delicate swirls framing my face, but he merely glanced at them. 

Then he stared into my eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry, come in.” I stepped out of the doorway and he entered. “I’m a Fifth Former, and I barely understand why I was marked.” He sat on my desk chair, and I sat on my bed. “Fifth Former, huh? Seems like you’d know more.” I pulled my legs up to my chest.


I stepped forward hesitantly to help Synthia. When she stopped laughing, she looked directly at me, and I could hear her thoughts. Why is he here? He doesn’t know me. Yet he looks concerned. 

I briefly glanced over her vine mask framing her face, then her green eyes held my attention. I then walked toward her and offered my hand. A perfect, gentlemanly like manner. Surprisingly, she took it.


When I finally stopped laughing (can I just say “How embarrassing! Ugh.”), the cute guy was there. He seemed almost afraid to approach. I looked right at him, practically daring him to say anything. But also wondering why he was there. I mean he didn’t even know me. Yet he looked concerned. He glanced at my new mask of vines then right into my eyes. Then he walked forward the last couple steps and offered his hand. 

With an inaudible sigh, I took it, and hauled my sorry-non- eyelash-batting, non-flirting butt off the ground. “I’m Ayden,” he said. And since I’m so girly and full of etiquette and gracefulness, I said, “Synthia.” Then, awkwardly- “Thanks.” -as I tried to make a quick escape. 

I’m not much of a talker, so anytime I wind up on the spot like that, it’s a mess. And slightly embarrassing. I only hoped he could tell that I wasn’t trying to be rude. I was just being my usual, inarticulate self. When it comes to a fight- no problem. When it comes to everyday life, talking to people, etc. - horrendously terrifying. Go figure. My sister is, as usual, the exact opposite. Fighting upsets her and she doesn’t have any problem with dealing with people or conversations. Albeit in an unusual, somewhat freakily, formal sort of way.


I made it to her dorm room, turned and walked halfway back down the hall. I stopped, turned back around, ran back to her door and knocked before I could back out. I stood there shifting my weight back and forth, thinking Oh well, must’ve missed her. But she opened the door before I could effectively use that as an excuse to chicken out. Damn. “Hello, may I help you?” 

She spoke so formally which led to me automatically putting my fist over my chest and bowing. Like an idiot, I might add. She had been crying, I could tell, although she had obviously tried to hide it. 

After we had properly greeted one another, I noticed her new marks. They were delicate, kind of like her. But I couldn’t keep looking at them. Her silvery eyes drew me in. They shone brightly with still unshed tears. I couldn’t tear my gaze from hers. 

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