Meeting the Interns.

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"Step one you say we need to talk he walks. You say sit down it's just a talk. He smiles politely back at you, you stare politely right on through."

*Wild Cat's POV*

I sat in the Attending's changing room, sliding my scrub shirt over my torso as the rest of the guys filed in. None seemed to happy about welcoming the new Interns into their new jobs as surgeons. 

"So, How many do you think will actually make it here at seattle grey?" Marcel asked me as he sat down on the bench next to me. I stiffled a laugh as i looked at him.

"Is that a real question? I'm betting only two of the newbies will  make it." I said simply, Shrugging.

"Oh come on guys, we haven't even met the new interns yet. You don't know how many of them will be promising." Lui said from across the room, it was silent for all of but a second before we all started laughing.

As soon as every one finished getting into their scrubs, we grabbed the clip boards with the interns names on it and walked out. I read through the names on mine and only one name stuck out, Craig Ladd. What a strange name, but that's coming from a guy whose best friend is named Johnathan Delirious. We emerged to where the Interns where waiting scared, whispers going around. 

'I've got Wildcat.' 

'Ive got Delirious.'

' I've got Lui.'

'I've just got marcel.' 

Where a few of the whispers i heard as we met the newest residents of our hospital. I looked down at my board, cleared my throat and called the names, Marcel doing the same after me and so on and so forth with Delirious, and Lui. I turned to my Interns and stated 'Ive got a few rules, Rule 1; You move when i move." I said, before turning on my heel and walking off towards an on call room. " These are on call rooms, you sleep where you can and when you can which brings me to rule two. Do not wake me when i'm sleeping unless the patient is dying. They better not be dead by the time i get there otherwise you would have woken me for nothing." I turned on them, My eyes landing on craig as my pager goes off. " Last rule, Run when your pager goes off." I run down the hall towards the E.R., the interns hot on my trail.

"What have we got?" I hear Lui yell, Lui was down here, must be some kids involved in an accident.

"Gas truck blew up on a high way! Multiple traumas coming our way!" yells a nurse as we all get on our Trauma gowns and step outside to wait for the ambulances to arrive. 

"Looks like we've got an interesting day for these guys don't we?" I say loudly, causing my crew to laugh and the interns to shuffle nervously. We sat in silence for a few seconds before the first truck pulls up and i run towards it. 

"Jane doe, Stuck in the tanker when it blew. We just need you to call it." Said the clerk as she opened to door. 

I looked down at my watch "Time of death 13:02." And they rushed in. I took the next truck that came up, hoping for something better.

"Elijah James, 22, Lacerations to the lower torso and upper arms, Major burns to the face. First car closest to the Explosion." The clerk explained as we ran into the ER.

"Okay! Get him to trauma 1, Ladd and Number 2, go." I said, rushing to Trauma 2. "What do we have here?"

"Jasmine  James, Expanded abdomen, unconscious but breathing on her own. Femur sticking out of her left leg. Possible interior bleeding." Marcel said quickly, dressing the femur with his Intern pressing on the patients stomach. "Ordered an Ultrasound to see where the bleeder is, got another intern booking me an O.R."

I simply nodded and left the room, Heading to trauma 3. "Alright Lui, Tell me whats going on."

"Stefan James, 10 years old. Nasty facial lacs and an open head wound. Um, Nogla, Page Delirious for a consult. Possible internal bleeding and broken ribs." 

"You've got this Lui?" I asked and he nodded slowly, rushing around his patient and i ran back to Trauma 1 with my guy. "Alright, Ladd and number two how are we doing here."

"Well, i ordered a CT, he had dilated pupils when i checked them, he  has a strong pulse and Kayla over there has stitched the lacerations on his torso and upper arms, he has bruising on his rubs which would be caused by Broken ribs."

"Alright, Lets take him to get that CT then i'll get Johnathan in here to look at him." I handed Craig the Chart of our patient as he wheeled him down the hall and i ran to Lui's kid's room.

"You good in here John?"

"Yeah, there is no damage to the brain tissue, just loose skin. Why?"

"I need you. His dad has bleeding in his brain and we may have to operate. I'll get O.R. Two ready."

Johnathan looked at the kid sadly then back at me and nodded, running past me and out of the room. I ran to Craig and looked at the CT's. " Oh, yep. There it is. Okay, get this guy prepped, i'll meet you in O.R. Two, Good Catch craig, you can observe." And i dashed out of the room and to O.R. Two. I quickly showed John where the bleeder was and we got scrubbed as they put Elijah under. I walked in and to the left side of the table.

"Okay, lets go."

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