A Cloud

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Basically the intro
Ok... I don't really know how to start this. I don't think there's really any good way to start something but sometimes you just gotta go for it; and that's what I'm gonna do. Usually they say start out small and work your way up but I don't think you always gotta do that. Sometimes you just gotta jump and hope that a breeze catches you. That's my aim. I don't know how many people are gonna read this or how many people will actually care. Heck I don't even know what this post is about or why I even named it cloud. Things happen and even that smallest actions can be linked to the biggest outcomes. Like, for example, picking up a book that might not appeal to you at first but opening it and finding so much more than you expected. In a way a person is kinda like a book; they'll love anyone who try's to open them and read them sincerely without a doubt. So hey, if you're feeling bored or at least interested, stick around... You might find more than what you expect.

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