Chapter 5

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•Savannah's POV•

I awoke with a huge headache. The walls of the from were a tan. This isn't my room. I shifted under the blanket. I'm naked! I glanced to my left to see Calum. He was sleeping. Oh no, no, no, no! Please tell me we didn't do what I think we did. I don't like him. In fact, I hate him. I got out of his bed and put my underwear and bra on along with his shirt. I'll give it back later. Then I grabbed my dress and tip toes down the stairs. Luke was passed out on the side of the couch. So was Michael, except he was upside down with his head hanging off the couch. Ashton was sprawled out on the carpet. I pulled out my phone and snapped a few pictures. What can I say? I'm an evil bitch when I want to be.

I sent Luke a text saying that I was going to walk home. Calum's shirt was big enough that it looked like a shortish dress on me. I laughed realizing how small I actually was. I made my way down the street, remembering the way to get back to my house. My stomach was becoming very uneasy. Oh shit. I'm gonna puke. I expelled the contents of my stomach in the grass. I feel bad for whoever'a house that was. Probably just from the alcohol. Last night was my second time drinking after all.

Last night. What actually happened last night. All I remember is getting really drunk and talking to Calum. Then he... HE KISSED ME GOD DAMMIT! But wait. Then he led me up to his room and then. How could I be so stupid?! I just lost my virginity to my bully... And I was drunk... That's when the tears started falling. Why me? Why must everything bad happen to me. Why did Luke have to make me go to that stupid party? And why did I drink so much? Wait a sec. I had sex. And then I puked while it was still morning. And now I feel fine. I got to the house and grabbed my keys from inside. Also I put pants on and jumped into my car. I left a note on the table if Luke got home before I did. I drove over to Quinn's house.

I knocked on her door a few times and a confused Quinn stood in the doorway.

"Sav? What are you doing here? And what's wrong?" She asked.

"Please just come with me and I will explain everything I just need to go somewhere and I wanted you to come with me because it's really important." I said, wiping my tear stained cheeks. She nodded and closed the door behind her, following me to my car.

•Quinn's POV•

I am genuinely scared for Savannah right now. I know about what's happening with her brother and all the bullying happening at school, but I've never seen her this bad. She literally looks like she got hit by a truck, but I would never tell her that. I can tell she's been crying but I can't tell for how long. I was pulled from my thoughts when the car pulled into a parking spot at Walgreens.

"Savannah. Grace. Hemmings. Why are we at the drugstore?" I asked, started to really get worried.

"You'll see. Just come with me. Please, Quinn." She pleaded.

I nodded and followed her in, seeing more tears fall. I stopped her once we got inside and pulled her into a hug.

"Whatever's wrong, you can tell me, i won't tell anybody. Cause I can't bare to we you like this any longer!" I said, a tear rolling down my face.

"I just need to pick up one thing. It's something that can explain everything that's wrong. Just come on." She said, dragging me through the aisles.

I saw her pick up a.... pregnancy test. Oh my god. Oh my fucking God!

"Sav? Who?" I asked.

"C-c-Cal-um." She choked between her sobs. "I was drunk and so as he. I pulled him aside to talk, but the alcohol took over and we ended up in his room and that's all I can remember before I blacked out."

"I'm so sorry. Come here." I replied, pulling her into an even tighter hug than before. Her tears were beginning to soak my shirt, but at this point I didn't really give two shits because I was too worried for her. And I was also gonna kick Calum's fucking ass!

"No you're not." Savannah choked out.

"Dammit. Did I say that out loud?" I asked laughing a little.

"Yeah. Let me go pay for this and we can go back to my house." She replied walking towards the cash register. The cashier gave Savannah a weird look, so I gave her one back.
Skipping the drive back to Savannah's house.
•Savannah's POV•

I looked at the test. And my worst fear came to life. It was positive. I let out a few sobs before opening the bathroom door. Quinn looked at me and knew. She hugged me, but I didn't hug back. I was in shock. I can't have a kid. I'm only 17. I haven't even finished high school! This will completely ruin my future. I can't go to college. I'll have to get a horrible job, and my parents are probably going to disown me. Luke. How am I going to tell him? I can't. Not yet at least....

So Savannah's pregnant 😁(no shit Rachel) and its Calum's baby (I swear I'm so dumb) just wait. The chapters are going to get better I promise.

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