sorry not an update but pls read!!
ok so hi guys. i bet everyone's like (i just typed "luke" instead of like lol) "ew this is not an update i'm so not reading this !!!!!" or whatever. but,,, for those who kept reading... hit me up sometime ayyyyyy. jk i'm so over tired rn and i think i'm funny.
ok i'm getting off topic already!!!!
are u guys actually enjoying this book or do it suck????
please answer me okay.
school starts tomorrow and i already know it's going to be a pain in the ass so idk if i'll even have the time to keep up with this. between homework and cheer (yes i am one of those girls don't hate me) idk if i'll be able to keep writing this but if u guys really do like this i might be able to work something out!
alright so if u read this and u commented or if u r going to comment (please comment i want to talk to u guys!) i am literally in love with u okay???
later babes