Chapter 1: Blue Eyes

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( ^ Main character)

I sighed, staring at my math homework in annoyance.
Ninth grade sucked. 'Maybe I should get some fresh air.' I thought as I brushed my long, multi shaded blue hair out of my line of vision.

Standing up from my desk, I walked to my window. I 'lived' on the
13th floor, so I had a amazing view of the beautiful New York City Square. The lights partially outshined the evening sky. I opened my window and stared out onto the horizon, the autumn air swaying my hair to the side.

As I stared off, playing with my lip and bull nose ring, I noticed dark figures on a roof nearby. Curious, I decided to investigate. Grabing my coat, gloves and phone, I climbed out of my window, and headed to the roofs through the fire escape, leaving the orphanage. In case it wasn't obvious, I'm an orphan. My father died when I was really young and my mom has been missing since before I could remember.
Anyway, as I entered the roof, I hid behind a vent and stared at the scene before me.
Four, what appeared to be humanoid male turtles, were fighting a bunch of robot ninjas in black leotards and red bandanas on their foreheads. The turtle men wore different colored masks and had weapons. One with a red bandanna fought with sais, another with an orange bandana had nunchucks, a third turtle had a purple bandanna and a bo staff and a blue masked turtle had katanas. How do I know these weapons? History class. It's interesting when you pay attention.

I stared at it all inmazement.

Eventually, the turtles had defeated all the
bots and began to talk.
"All right!" The orange clad turtle shouted. "1 for the turtles and 0 for the Foot!" The Foot?
"High three!" the purple one added. They all high three-ed and began to laugh and chatter.
I stared, wondering what to do next. That is, until the blue one looked around.

"Hold up guys," he said, "we're being watched." the boys drew their weapons and began to look around.
I covered my mouth and hid behind the vent more, keeping my breathes shallow, and praying they wouldn't find me.
Suddenly, the blue turtle looked behind the vent, his sapphire eyes staring at my baby blue ones.
We stayed that way until he brought his finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. I nodded, as did he, and he walked over to his brothers.

"False alarm guys," he said in fake disappointment, "whoever was here is gone now." "Alright let's go then." The red onegroaned.
"You guys can, I'm gonna look around some more." The others agreed and left. He walked over to me. "Are you OK?" he asked. I nodded.
He looked confused. "You're not scared of me?" "No, should I?" He chuckled.
"Well yeah, I mean, I'm a mutant. Most people run screaming when they see us. Even after we've saved them." He explained sadly. "Well I'm not." I said, shaking his large hand.

"I'm Carolina." He smiled at me, a blush creeping up on his cheeks.
"I'm Leonardo." I let go of his hand, and I swear I saw small hint of disappointment in his eyes. "Here," he said, getting out what appeared to be a shell shaped phone.
"Can I have your number?" I smirked at him with my hands on my hips.
"Are you really asking for my phone number already, Fearless?" I giggled as his face turned bright red and he stuttered over his words. "It's fine, here." I gave in, typing in my phone number into his, and his number into mine.
He smiled. "So I'll see you sometime?"
"Hopefully! " I grined back as he started to leave.
"Bye Coral!" he waved as he ran across the roof tops. "Bye.. " I said quietly, blushing lightly at the nickname.
It started to thunder, so I ran back 'home'.

As I laid in bed that night, I thought of nothing by his ocean blue eyes.
That and the name Coral.
Who else called me that?
If only I could remember..

I bit my lip as I ran home in the sewers. Her name was Carol-ina, so why did I call her Coral?
In some strange way, it sounded familiar, as if I called someone that before.
But who?

So lost in my thoughts, I didn't realise I was home until my brothers voice filled my ears.
"What took you so long?"
Raph asked, clearly annoyed.
I rolled my eyes.
"Like I said before, I was looking around for that person who was watching us, obviously. Got a problem?" I snapped back.
Mikey laughed, but stopped after a death glare by Raph.

Ignoring them, I walked to my room, collapsing in my soft bed.
Maybe I'll text her tomorrow...

Oh well.

As I slept, I dreamed I was falling in a never ending ocean.

Reaching for Coral as she screamed.

A/n hey y'all sorry for the short chapter and yes I know I should be working on my other Stories but I thought of this so... Yeah... Anywayyyyyyssss.... Im also gonna make ones for the other three too.
Also, I'd like for u guys to comment who I should do next and if Leo texts or calls Carolina.
Love u guys!!

~ Angel_Kitten_13

Update: made it longer, added more important details. Hope u like!

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