Hey guys I want you all to know you are special to me you make me who I am today yeah Im not a specail famous person but I hope I make a difference in your guyss life you have to stay strong you must not let life bring you down who gives a holy monkey hell what someone says you have to stay positive your never alone you have me and a lot more people who care and love you so fucking much I'm not the most perfect person but I have people who care about me people who care so much that wont let me go. you are a amazing person yes the person who is reading this never give up "walk straight threw hell with a smile "~the script you should not let words hurt you if someone physicaly hurts you walk away or if you chose there's no other way fight back but know your giveing into the violence you should not let anyone bring hell apon you this is a mesaage to tell you how much you mean to everyone who loves you if I lost anyone of you I would never stay the same you bring smiles to everyones face ik you do for me when I see these votes and comments if your comfortable comment words you have been called and follow me on instagram I will make a colloge but there's a twist to it the words will have a positive meaning under them and if you dont have a insta pm me what you have and i will make a colloge with u and everyone else who has that to: ) and Im makeing a kik support group #isabellesupportgroup <3