Chapter One:

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Agatha's POV

The carriage bumped along cheerfully as Tedros and I eyed Merlin warily. Despite the uncomfortable jolts, he seemed to be very happy, whistling merrily, his eyes smiling at us from beneath his large blue hat.

"Care to share?" quipped Tedros, still looking worried.

"Of Course my dear boy!" Merlin said jovially. "The heir to Camelot, arriving in victory with his enchanting and fiery bride to be! What's not to celebrate!?" A smile tugged at Tedros' lips as he glanced at me, and I felt a blush blossoming on my cheeks. I rub my face with my hands, as if trying to wipe it away, and frown at Merlin.

"See! This is why we didn't want to ride with us. You seem to find great sport in making Tedros' and I uncomfortable" I say. I look to Tedros for support but instead I see him shaking with silent laughter, and Merlin just continuing to whistle infuriatingly. "Fine then." I huff, and glower out the window.

"Aw come on Agatha" Tedros grins. "You'd better get used to it, seeing as Merlin 'll be staying for a long time yet. He plans to help raise the children, you know." He waggles his eyebrows, and I feel a smile begin to dance along my lips despite my annoyance. His arm snakes along my waist and he pulls me into his chest, his fingers playing with my ebony hair as my head rests on his shoulder. His head dips down for a kiss, but is interrupted by a loud cough from the direction of Merlin. He scowls.

"You'll get used to it" I say.


Tedros' POV

A scream pierces the air I a bolt up, my hair on end and my eyes wide open. My feet slide on the slick floors as I struggle to get out of bed. It's coming from Agatha's room. I scramble across the room to the door that joins our two rooms, fling it open and rush over. She sitting upright, shaking violently, her mouth open in a now silent scream. Relief floods through me. Its just a nightmare. I cautiously slide into bed next to her, and she collapses against me, tears spilling out of her eyes.

"Want to talk about it?" I ask quietly, but she shakes her head, and so I just hold her, her head resting on my chest and one of her hands clasped tightly in mine. Her skin is hot and feverish, and beneath her closed eyelids and I can see her eyes twitch as they dance around in terror, reliving again and again the Last Battle. After awhile she slowly relaxes and drops of to sleep, and soon I follow into the comforting dreamless haze that lets me forget everything that happened to bring us here.

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