The Secret And College

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As I was driving away from the place I now no longer live at I felt different more lost and heartbroken. I Had no choice but to start my new life and go to college and I wanted to get it over with Before my secret messes up my entire life. Marcus was far away from me now more than ever I told him I was on my way to college which was UCONN My dream college ever sense junior year but I wasnt really going right now I was really on my way to the hospital to get checked once again.. As soon as I got to the hospital I felt a pain in my chest and I ran to the bathroom. Once I got to the sink , I looked in the mirror and I was so sweaty then all of a sudden... I started throwing up but when I looked at the sink it was so blood . All I could think of was why did the cancer have to start come through now . I started screaming my moms name "Mommmm " " Mommmy Help Me " I heard her running and she came in and said " OMG Maria No this cant be happening now " I looked at her and started crying and she picked me up and yelled for a doctor she screamed " Doctor Anyone please help my daughter " then the next thing I know is I fainted in my moms arms . When I woke up I was in a room and there was needles in me and I looked over to see my mom talking to the doctor and crying . I Heard him say " the cancer hasn't spreaded alot yet but the next two months it will start to and the side affects will kick in but I don't really know how long shes got to live so be very careful with her" My mom said " well shes suppose to be going to college tomorrow or the next day ill move to Connecticut to help her out but shes also got a boyfriend who will be able to help to " Once she said " boyfriend" I thought about Marcus I never told him because I didnt know if he could take it because I know he loves me and I love him to but I just couldn't hurt him but now I must tell him . I reached for my phone and dialed his number and it started ringing... I was so scared I couldnt think and that's when I heard Marcus voice on the other line He said " Hello Maria Is everything alright , your mom told me everything im on my way now and then he hung up. I was shocked but happy because he finally knew the truth but the way he sounded it just felt like he was so hurt. There was nothing that I could do my hair was already falling out and I felt this aching pain in my ribs so I layed down on the bed and took a nap while my mom talked to the doctor. When I woke up I felt someone touching my hand and when I looked up it was Marcus. He was crying and I sat up on the bed and hugged him. I felt so bad because I wouldn't want to leave him hurting like this but I have no choice. The Cancer will spread faster in a few weeks more. Then Marcus said " you can't leave like this ill take care of you until you go ill be here everyday when you need me " I grabbed his face and said " you have to go to college marcus you can't waist it on me you have a future ahead of you " He looked at me confusd and said " I am deeply in love with you Maria, you are my future " and then he kissed me . I couldn't bare it myself because I was deeply in love with him to and once I do die I just want him to go and get his future and be happy. My mom finally came back from talking to the doctor and She said " well you could go home they said but you have to check up every friday with them and you can go to college but you have to be careful please Maria be careful " Marcus said " Oh yeah she will I promise and I will be there with her everyday to help her out " I looked at him surprised and said " wait what do you mean every day " And he said " I transferred to UCONN because I couldn't be far away from you anymore longer " and the next thing you know I jumped on him and said " OMG I love you so much " I started to feel a little weak so Marcus picked me up and took me to the car . My mom put my stuff in his car and she kissed me on my forehead and said " Call me everyday and ill come see you I promise and then she went to her car and drove away . I sat up in my seat and watched how my mom drove off and then Me and Marcus drove off into the sunset and headed towards Connecticut ...

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