Prunken Dickles.

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*Still Nathan's POV*
Where the fuck is Pickles!? He was just passed out on the floor not to long ago, where could he have gotten too? I go back to check on Tess. As I was walking to my room, I saw a puke trail.. Oh fuck. He is with Tess. I start to walk faster, I reach the door but it's locked!? LOCKED!? "TESS!?" "Pickles.. Leave me alone!" "TESS OPEN UP THIS DOOR!?" "I CANT!! PICKLES WONT LET ME GO!! PICKLES STOP!! LET GO!!" Tess is screaming and crying again. I didn't know what to do.. I had a flash back from my high school years, from when I played gridiron. I remembered the tackling I learnt. Without thinking I take a few steps back then charge at the door, basically tackling the door with my shoulder and broken wrist. Pain shot through my body, but I couldn't focus on that now. I had to focus on saving Tessa. I stood up as fast as I could and then ran over to Pickles, throwing him to the ground, he lost grip of Tess. I hug her tightly, she stopped crying. Charles came running in, confused and worried. "What on earth happened here!?" Charles shouted. "Pickles had a hold of me, he was trying to touch me.." She burst into tears again. She was so scared, you could hear it in her voice. Charles got Pickles and left. "Tess, baby.. I'm sor.." "Don't be, it wasn't your fault" "NO! Argh..No.. It was, I should of just stayed here and cuddled you. I would have been able to stop him before he got you" I didn't know what else I could do. Her being here is putting her in danger. I think she has to leave.. I don't want to do this to her.. But I can't stand to see her being hurt like this.

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