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*Nathan's POV*
The boys and I decided to throw a surprise welcome home party for Tess. Mainly it was Toki's idea, but we all agreed to do it. We put up signs and got music she liked, basically just Dethklok because we didn't know what else she liked. We had food and drinks, mainly alcohol. We weren't sure what time she'll be home, but she is coming home today. Two days after Tess left she called me. We sorted out everything, and yes we are still together and I'm so excited to see her again.

*Pickles's POV*
It's now 4:30pm, Tess isn't here yet and we are all drunk as fuck. "Hey Nathan.. Dude, where the fuck is Tessa?" I spill my drink down my shirt as I tried to keep standing up. "Uh.. I don't know man, I'll call her." Nathan looked worried. "I'm sure she's fine dude" I tried to reassure him. He stepped outside to call Tess.

*Muerderfaces's POV*
I can't wait for Tess to get back. She's so fucking sexy, and I'm pretty sure her and Nathan broke up. Nathan didn't say they were together, when Charles asked Nathan how she was he didn't sound happy or anything and just said "Hm? Oh.. Uh, yeah she's fine..." Like something's up. I'm going to take Tess, she will be mine.

*Tess comes home*
I make it back home in one piece. Mom and Charles rush out to welcome me home. "Oh Tessy! We thought something had happened to you!" "Why do you think that?" "Nathan tried calling you several times but you didn't answer." Charles said as he hugged me. Is this what it feels like to be loved? By a fatherly figure? "I was asleep for hours and my phone went flat. Is Nathan ok?" I ran inside leaving my bags out with my mom and Charles. I walk in, I see a banner saying 'welcome home Tessa!' I saw some food, I guess the boys got hungry, and a lot of empty beer bottles on the floor. Yup, they are all drunk. Toki tries to run and hug me, but he looks so funny swaying side to side as he ran. I started laughing as we hugged. Pickles and Swkisgaar hugged me. "So glad to have you back Tess..*Pickles throws up on the ground near me* I'm sorry about that.. I'm really drunk ya know?" Thank god he didn't puke on me while we hugged. "So glads you're backs." Skwis says to me just after we hugged. Nathan literally ran at me and almost knocked me over as his body smacked into mine. He tightly wrapped his arms around me and looked into my eyes. I looked back and my cheeks were red. We both leaned in and kissed. I've missed him so fucking much. We just stood there and hugged for 5 minutes before he stepped away.. Then threw up on the floor. Fucking typical. "So you guys are all really drunk!?" They all nodded. I saw that Charles bought my bags in, I went and took my bags and went to put them in Nathan's room. I sit on his bed. I haven't been drunk in a while.. Maybe it's about time I get so drunk I won't remember what I did.

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