Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I was sitting peacefully on the edge of the cliff at the back of my house; well it was more of a miniature light house.

I lived by myself in the lighthouse as my parents didn’t want to keep it. Instead I have to look after it and make sure everything’s in order during the night. My parent’s live down the road in a cottage with my two younger siblings. I liked how it was arranged because I can have time to myself and be in charge of the lighthouse and how it’d looked.

The cliff faced the beach where I watched the waves crashed on the shore repeatedly. It was dusk; the sun was setting on the other side of Australia. It was a secluded beach which not many people knew about except for the locals of our small town.

I could hear the song ‘Wonderwall’ playing in the distance. I saw a campfire on the beach and I assumed it was coming from there as I saw a small group of people.

I could see one person playing guitar and the rest were all singing. They had nice voices as their melody floated up to where I was.

I didn’t pay any more attention to the group as I looked out into the distance.  The sun had completely set now and the stars were starting to come out. The full moon was over the ocean and reflected against the water. I went inside to get my DSLR camera and took multiple photos of the moon and the stars. It was a really good camera, a special Canon and it took a fortune to buy but it was worth it.

Everything about this night seemed peaceful and relaxed. The people around the campfire were laughing and singing along and I envied them.

Everything about me seemed peaceful except my mind. It was like the beach; my thoughts crashing over and over again.

I was drowning in my ocean of thoughts.

Like each and every day.

And each and every day I numbed my thoughts the only way I knew how; through pain.

But tonight I was trying to resist the urge and focused on the stars instead and how the moon seemed to look bigger than normal.

I stood up and peered over the ledge. The wind blew my white knee-length dress around my legs. I leaned closer to the edge to get a closer look at the moon. It seemed so close to earth like it was just floating above the ocean like a beacon.

I shuffled a bit closer and I was balancing on the ledge but I still wasn’t close enough. What if I jumped? Would that make me even closer? I looked down and saw boulders of rocks stacked up against the cliff’s side. I winced at the thought of those stones piercing through someone’s body. I heard a panicked shout in the distance but I was too caught up in my thoughts; like always.

Although, it looks like someone has a perfect life they could be struggling more than someone who doesn’t seem to have such a great life. Although I have friends at school, a good family and such you still have your own demons in your mind to fight off.

And sometimes those demons win and they end up at the bottom of a cliff. Or full of pills.

And at the moment my demons seemed to be winning.

Then a force, stronger than wind pushed my back, or maybe since it wasn’t wind at all, pulled me back. Hands were fastened around my waist as I was dragged back off the edge of the cliff.

“What the hell are you thinking?” A strong, deep voice yelled at me.

I turned around and saw a boy a few years older than me standing there gesturing madly.

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