Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

We had fallen asleep together, under the sheets wrapped in each others arms with our legs entwined.

And that was how the others found us, and unaware of the sorrow surrounding us, they teased us non stop. Enough to drive the sorrow away.

That peace I had felt earlier was still there, maybe after having talked about something I've bottled up for so long.

It was only four in the afternoon and Harry was feeling much better, health wise. Everyone decided to stay in for the night so we ordered a lot of pizza and moved some couches and pillows all in front of the TV for a big night of movies.

The hotel had a movie rental system downstairs near the reception where we could go down and hire some movies. Niall and Zayn were chosen to go down and choose six movies and they came back with; Transformers 1 and 2, Burners Watch, Twilight, Grease and Karate Kid.

Louis and Danielle were on one couch with a pile of blankets and Zayn and Perrie were on and Danielle and Liam were on another. Harry and I were lying on the floor on top of pile of pillows and under a load of blankets while Niall was on the other side of Harry.

Just as we put the first movie on the doorbell rang with two delivery guys and twenty boxes of pizza.

We brought them all over to where we were and turned all the lights off and got ready for all the movies. We were half way through Grease when I started falling asleep. I was already leaning on Harry’s shoulder but when I knew I couldn’t stay awake any longer I moved down and rested my head on his lap. His hand went to my hair and he started doing tiny plaits as I fell to sleep.

The sound of people moving woke me up the next morning. Louis and Zayn had woken up and were trying to move without waking their girlfriends. Instead of getting up I snuggled deeper into Harry’s arms which were wrapped around me. He had moved me probably before he went to sleep so now I was sleeping into his chest. I pressed my face into his hard chest and inhaled his scent before slowly drifting off into a state of being awake and asleep.

“Love,” a voice whispered in my ear causing my heart to jump, “Love, it’s time to get up.” His hand rubbed my back up and down as I tried to bury myself deeper into him. He chuckled at my failed attempt and kept rubbing my back until I slowly opened my eyes to a beautiful sight before me.

His hair was messed up and all over the place with curls flicking around. His beautiful green eyes still had sleep and his tempting pink lips were in a stunning crooked smile which I fell into the temptation and slowly traced them with my finger making him grin. As I realized what I did, my face turned bright red and I quickly took my finger away making him chuckle at me. I slid down and whipped the covers on top of my head hiding among the cushions.

Harry followed me coming under the covers as well and my eyes constantly kept flicking to his lips. After half a minute I forced myself to keep my eyes on his.

“Come on,” he said in his husky morning voice, “Let’s go eat.”

He ripped the covers off us and helped me up to the kitchen where Louis was miserably failing at flipping pancakes while Liam laughed at him and Zayn looked annoyed.

“Louis, let me do it, we’re running out of mix.”

“No, I can do it,” And as he did it the pancake he was in the process of flipping fell to the ground making everyone laugh but a pouting Louis and a scowling Zayn.

I whispered to Harry that I was going to go have a shower and get changed. I quickly had my shower and changed into loose high-waisted shorts and a Beatles band shirt. I put on the special oil and moisturizer and stood in front of a full length mirror. You could barely see the fading scabs on my arms nor the many scars unless you looked closely but I still wasn’t sure.

I went to the door and called out Harry’s name and then went back to the mirror. He walked back in and smiled as he saw me wearing the short sleeve shirt with no cardigan or jumper.

“Harry, should I go out like this, are they noticeable.”

He came closer and looked at me and then nodded his head grinning, “It’ll be alright love, I don’t think anyone will notice unless they’re looking for it. Does anyone but me know?”

I smiled softly and said, “Eleanor does, she kind of caught me out when we went shopping.”

He nodded, “Then she might notice, but the others won’t because they won’t know what to look for.”

“Thanks Harry,” I whisper.

He gently takes my hand and leads me out the door. I walk outside and when Eleanor sees that I’m wearing short sleeves she grins.

During breakfast we plan to go out and about so by eleven thirty we had left the building.

Danielle and Perrie still needed dresses for the awards tomorrow night so the girls split away from the boys who were going who knows where. Instead of getting Harry’s card he gave me $200 in cash instead since he might need the card. I thanked him and went with the other girls who had a good amount of money for themselves since they had decent jobs.

We went to a few of designer shops as they flicked through the many dresses. They were both extremely nice girls along with Eleanor and man, with all of them together they were pretty hilarious. Perrie soon found a cute cotton black dress which had a sweet heart neck at the top and came down into a full skirt at her knees. Danielle visited a few more shops before finding a gold dress with black lace with flower patterns on top. I knew they would look stunning and suddenly I was feeling incredibly insecure. As Danielle was at the check out I slipped into a change room and stared at myself in the mirror disgusted. I didn’t know Eleanor had slipped inside.

“Tilly, I know what you’re thinking.” She whispers.

I shake my head and look down. She continues and says, “Tilly, you’re beautiful you know. Both Danielle and Perrie told me that. Danielle also said that Harry’s very lucky to have met you and that it’s finally good he’s found someone meant for him.”

I keep my eyes glued to the ground as I turn around.

“Come on,” she says wrapping an arm around my shoulder, “Let’s go.”

All I say is, “He knows now.”

She pauses and then says, “What?”

“He knows what I do, he’s seen everything. He accidentally saw them that day at the beach.”

She makes me look up at her and I see her smiling, “That’s great Tilly,”

I smile a little at the ground and then make my way out the change room where Danielle and Perrie were waiting.

We walked out and then Eleanor dragged us to this place where we got our nails done.

The usual was done and then they were painted black while my nails were given the same treatment but then had French nails done. Elle had her nails painted a matching blue to her dress as well as Danielle and Perrie.

Louis called Eleanor around five saying they were done with whatever they did and we met them at Nandos. They had booked a private table for ten and we joined them and ate an early dinner. We made our way back to the hotel, through the paparazzi, around seven and changed the room arrangements again to all the girls in my room and the boys in the other.

We went to bed early that night wanting to get a good rest for the big night ahead.

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