Chapter Three

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Few hours later...

"Ok, so we've got 31 baystrum berries, 29 corqwa fish, 13 palafry meat and a few layers of palafry hide. That enough food for a month or so?" I look at Sakura as crouches down to pick more baystrums. She then nods standing back up.

"That's plenty of food. We should probably..." She was interrupted by the sound of a message from one of her friends. She opens it up and her eyes widen. "Oh no."

I walk closer to her and pop a few berries in my mouth. "What's *chew* the matter? *chew*" She closes her message board and her face strikes with fear.

"We need to get to Yamaha village right away!" She begins packing her things. Yamaha village is the 6th village, meaning that everyone, or at least everyone that's battling has made it up to the 6th level, no one has dared to go near the 7th dungeon as its weaknesses are unknown. I then look at her and pop a few more berries in my mouth.

"*chew* Why so *chew* fast and *chew* sudden? *swallow*" I swallow the remaining berries and smile. "Just chill out ok, we'll get there in time." She gives me the deadliest look and then furious speaks.

"In time? In time?! She may not HAVE time!" She pauses and takes a deep breath. "While you were being Kung Fu Panda and eating your time away, I got a message from one of my friends, her party had just attempted taking down the 7th dungeon, to find out that the boss is Kakara, he is the beast of Satan, he is invincible unless players with Havenly or Lucifer's items fight against him." I cleared my throat and choked on a stray berry then spat it out, realising that I have an item of Lucifer.

"Wait, did I hear you right? Lucifer?" She nodded then looked at me curiously.

"I never asked you what your second sword is..." She scopes me out trying to get it out of me. " have a sword of Lucifer don't you?!" She exclaims. "We can go save my friend! She can be the first asset to our team!" I cut her off and spoke.

"Wait but if she's fighting the dungeon and doesn't have any of those weapons isn't she de..." This time she cut me off abruptly and quickly.

"No... never... Kakara is holding her hostage in his iron cage, he does that to the first 'pretty' woman he meets. Once he finds one prettier than her, he'll slaughter Emerald and then take the new girl as his pet." A tear ran down her face, this girl must be close to her, I have to do the right thing, but obviously I can't take Kakara all on my own. We'll have to figure it out once we get to Yamaha. I then question her motives.

"Why Yamaha though? Isn't the dungeon closer to Pylorus? The 7th village?" I look at her as she tries to wipe off her tears.

"Yes, but rumours are, in Yamaha, someone else wields a weapon of Lucifer, possibly a Havenly weapon." I nod and then pack my things.

"Well time's a wastin' let's go!" She follows and we make our way to Yamaha.

Later at Yamaha...

Once we arrived in Yamaha it was nearly dark out, so we decided to rent out two motel rooms, one for me and one for her. Before we went our separate ways for the night she stopped me. "Hey, Zi..." I interrupted her.

"Just call me Kato." I smiled to try and calm her fear filled face.

""Ka-Kato, I'm glad that we met. You're not so bad, a bit sour to start off with but then you ended up being sweet, good night ok?" I smiled again and gave her a warm hug.

"You too. I'll catch you in the morning." I guess having friends in this world is a better idea than being lonely. Yes, some will come and go, but the ones that stay the longest are the special ones, the ones you cherish, and the ones you cry for.

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