Chapter 2

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Cameron Dallas and Matthew Espinosa.... They quickly ran by me to see if I was okay how nice... But I was kinda in shock so I just stared at them.
"Do you think we should take her on the bus with us so we know she's safe?" Matt said
"Maybe we should but wouldn't her family get a little scared?" Cameron said
"I running away from my dad and he hasn't tried to contact me in anyway so I doubt he cares but I'm just scared and I don't know where I am." I said glumly
They both just looked at each other and exchanged looks.
"Can we have a second?" Matt said
"Yeah." I said as he dragged Cameron away

Matts Pov

"We are taking her!" I said
Cam nodded his head and we told our driver and we went over the the girl and told her to come with us.
"So what's your name?" Cam asked
"Alexia but you can call me lex or Lexi. I already know your guy's names so you don't have to say them." She said
"Okay Lexi but there is gonna be the rest of magcon on the bus so I really hope you don't mind being with a whole bunch of boys." I said
"I don't mind I had a best friend named Grayson but my dad got custody of me so now I can't see him. I didn't fit in with all the girls at my school." She said getting teary eyes.
"Well you seem like a really cool and nice girl! I know the rest of the boys will love you." Cam said while putting his arm around her and going up the steps of the bus.

Alexia's Pov

We went up the steps for the big tour bus and everyone was awake.
"Hey guys we have another person coming on tour with us." Matt said with a smile
All the boys came up to me and greeted me. They all were going to bed and Matt showed me where I was gonna stay. We went to the room were all the bunks were and I was bunking with him. I went on the top and he went on the bottom. I plugged my phone in and drifted to sleep.

*next morning*

"Smack cam!" Someone yelled
I quickly got up and I heard a smack. Every one was laughing their butt off. Nash got smacked by Cameron and Nash still didn't wake up. I giggled and everyone came by me and asked me some questions.
"Where are you from?" Cameron asked
"Well I was born in Sacramento, CA but then my dad got custody of me then I moved to Iowa..." I said with a frown.
"And for all of you who don't know my name I'm Alexis but you can call me Lexi or lex."
Since I only knew a few of the boys they went around and said their names. They all seem really nice and cool but a boy that really caught my eye had dark hair and bright blue eyes. I think his name was Hayes.
"So what do you like to do for fun Lexi?" Shawn asked
"Well I sing a little bit but I danced for a long time but a couple weeks ago my dad stopped paying so I couldn't go." I said with a frown
"We dance a little to not to brag." Taylor said laughing
After a little while the bus stopped and we were at a magcon event in Chicago.
Taylor came by me and said
"Hey lex your gonna have to stay close because the fan go a little crazy." He said with a smile
I nodded and basically hugged his arm as we walked past. I wonder what this is gonna be like?
"You can open your eyes now lex. " Taylor said while laughing a bit.
I opened my eyes and we were in the dressing room and the boys were messing around and posting some vines so me and Taylor went by the rest of the boys and joined in on the laughing.
"Do you want to come on stage with us Lexi?" Cameron said
"Um sure but I don't have anything to wear I've been wearing these clothed for like 3 days."
"I'm sure there are clothes here somewhere-" Cameron got interrupted but Nash saying "dude just call Mahogany."
After being on the phone for like 2 minutes the boys came by me and told me that someone was bringing me clothes after 10 minutes a girl with red curly hair and cat ears in her hair came but my and said
"Hi I'm mahogany."
"Hi I'm Alexia." I said then smiled
"All I had were denim shorts that were to small on me and then I took one of the boys magcon tee-shirts I asked him and he said it was fine."
"Thanks" I smiled and hugged her
After I was done putting the clothes on I tucked my shirt in a little because it was kinda big then I headed out by the boys and Mahogany offered to fix my hair and put some makeup on me. After she finished curling my long brown hair she grabbed her big makeup bag and put coverup on my face and some mascara and eyeliner. I looked way better than I did before!

It was almost time for the event to start and cam said "when we want you to come on Matt will come and get you."
"Okay." I said
After a little while Matt came backstage and asked if he wanted me to carry me on stage so I said yeah and he carried me bridal style and everyone cheered.
"We have a special guest that will be staying with us for a while and her is Alexia Cruz!"
I smiled and waved to everyone and Matt put me down.
"Since Lexi is a dancer I thought we should have a dance off." Aaron said

"Okay let's get in teams of two." Nash said

"Okay Lexi picks people for her team and jack j can pick people."

So we got our teams and I had Taylor, Matt, Shawn, Aaron, and Carter. Jack had jack g, Nash, Hayes, Cameron, and Mahogany.

The first song played and it was "New thang"
So First was Taylor and Cameron. Cameron won next was Matt and jack j. Matt won because his "g moves" or at least that's what he says. Next was Aaron and Mahogany. Before they started they played Rednose and I gotta say Mahogany killed it and I was right she won.
The next song played was worth it and Shawn won against jack g.
Next song was Trap queen and carter so against Nash.
Last song was me and Hayes.
The song was The Hills by the weekend.
Hayes started out "I'll try and go easy on you." He said with a smirk
When it was my turn I made sure I had enough room and I started tutting then I did a back tuck then I did a few body isolations when the music got slow in the middle. After that I did a combo that was in my hip hop solo last year. At that time the crowd was going wild. When the music was almost done I did a round off back handspring then did a Ariel.
When we're were done with the dance off Cameron announced that I won. It felt good to dance on a stage again.

*after event*

Lexi's Pov

When we got back to the bus we all hung out and talked about how fun today was. After that we all headed to bed. I gotta say today was really fun especially the dance battle! I really love all of the guys!

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