Chapter 710

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Rhea's POV
Me and Isaac havent spent anytime together tbrh. I thought it would be better that he doesn't acc have to stay at the academy and he gets to come home but i thought wrong. We hardly speak and we hardly see eachother and tbh i actually do miss him.
I changed my status to 😴😔. And my friend Ronaldo popped up. Hes been a close friend of mine. We use to go out... But that we ages ago, like year 8 & 9 days. We broke up because of his football. He travelled a lot for matches and stuff and then he had to move to spain because his contract is with a spanish team. Neither one of us could cope with this long distance relationship so we ended it. And then i fell for Isaac...

Ronaldo⚽️: whats up?
Rhea✨: Isaac is always at the chelsea academy and we never get to spend time together 😔
Ronaldo⚽️: sounds familiar 💭
Rhea✨: mmm
Ronaldo⚽️: just talk to him about it b
Rhea✨: idk what to say
Ronaldo⚽️: just say something like; we hardly get to spend time together, can we go out? Or something like that
Rhea✨: hmm okay thank you
Ronaldo⚽️: Np b
Ronaldo⚽️: guess what?
Rhea✨: what?
Rhea✨: 👀
Ronaldo⚽️: im gonna be in england for a bit
Rhea✨: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Ronaldo⚽️: 😂😂 yh b
Rhea✨: when?????
Ronaldo⚽️: tomorrow
Rhea✨: 😱😱 you have to come and see me
Ronaldo⚽️: ofc ofc
Rhea✨: ❤️❤️
Ronaldo⚽️: ❤️❤️

I popped up to Isaac

Rhea✨: Isaac x

He took like an hour to reply 😴

Isaac💯: Sflr babygirl; we were in the gym x

I smiled to myself

Rhea✨: oh orite; i was wondering... x
Isaac💯: go on x
Rhea✨: we havent seen eachother lately and i was wondering if we could go out..? x
Isaac💯: ofc princess, im free on wednesday yh?
Rhea✨: okay x
Isaac💯: ive g2g, I'll ttyl xx
Rhea✨: bye x

I don't want what happened to me and Ronaldo to happen to me and Isaac. I love him too much for that.

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