Chapter 724

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Rhea's POV
What Ashton did in college is really bothering me and making me feel kinda dirty. I need to tell Isaac so i routed his yard. I was gonna tell him on FaceTime but it wouldn't come out.
Idk how hes gonna react. I havent seen Isaac angry in such a long time and hes really overprotective
I hope this goes well 👀


I sat on his bed and pree'd him. He was topless with duffer shorts on and i could see the top of his Calvin Klein boxers, ofc he had his gold chain on
"Where d'you get that from?"
"What?" I looked up at him
"That hoody, it looks hella big on you"
I giggled "courtesy of your closet"
He smiled and sat down next to me
"I wanted to tell you something..." I started
"Go on"
"Basically this boy at college..."
His whole body tensed up "yh"
"And first he was moving to Aaliyah but i think hes moving to me now"
He stood up and walked to his window doors that opened to his balcony and he looked out
"Yh it was really bothering me so i wanted to tell you..."
He nodded and then there was a pause
"Whats his name?"
He nodded again, still not looking at me
I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back, his whole body relaxed
"Dw babe, i love you with all my heart"
"I love you too"

Isaac's POV
Im fucking pissed off 😡 about this Ashton boy wants to try to move to my sister and then my girl. Are yu crazy?
Please dpmo 😤

There was tapping at my door so i went to open it to see three little princess looking up at me
I smiled and took out my phone to snap them
Caption: opened my door to this 😂❤️
Rhea came over
"Hii beautifuls" she smiled
"HIII" the triplets smiled going to hug her legs and i continued to snap them
Caption: when the in laws get along 😂💖
They tried to climb onto my bed but they couldn't so me and Rhea helped them up and they entertained themselves by playing with the pillows
I turned to Rhea and she kissed my lips and we started to make out
"Mmm i don't wanna do anything x rated infront of the triplets"i said inbetween kissing
She smiled "mmmhmm, i g2g anyways, got college tomorrow"
I kissed her once more and she kissed the triplets before i walked her to the door
"See yu later babes"
"See ya, make sure tht boy don't put his hands on my property"
She giggled walking down the path
"Im being serious!" I called after her
"Ik babes" she turned around and smiled at me
I winked at her and shut the door
Ahh i love her

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