Chapter 3

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The sun lit up right through my face,my alarm clock rung and i woke up and did my daily routine, Mum was in the kitchen cooking bacon and eggs 

"Good Morning Ally" 

"Morning Mum" 

"So how's your date?" mum curiously asked 

"Mum it was not a date"I protested 

"If its not then why are so red"my mum teased 

"Haha,Mum whatever Ill just get ready for work" 

I left Mum in the kitchen and took a shower and suited up in my uniform , Im working at a bookshop,I walked to get there. 

I was at the back shelves arranging the books when i tall dark shadow covered the lights i tilted up my head and zayn was there he smiled at me 

"Hey Beautiful" he grabbed my arm and pulled me up and put his lips into mine 

"Zayn what are you doing here?" I silently yelled 

"Im here to pick you up,were going somewhere" 

"What?I cant Im working"I stuttered 

"I already talked to your manager and she said yes" 

"No Zayn I will not go with you"I pleaded 

He pushed me against the shelves and whispered into my ears 

"Now,Now thats not even true I know you can't resist me" 

the deepness of his raspy voice left me goose bumps and I suddenly nodded and said yes 

"Good girl" he huskly said placing a kiss on my cheek 

we were crossing the road where his black suv was parked on the ride to whereever were going i was not talking and neither did he,he opened the radio to break the ice. 

The light was red and we stopped he took a glanced at me and smiled I pretended not to see him but he's too persistent 

"Now dont pretend you didn't saw it" 

"What are you talking about" 

"You know what" 

"whatever just drive everyone on our back is honking their horns" 

He parked at a vacant lot near a dock before he guided me down his car he put on a blindfold in my eyes he guided me to where we are going 

I pulled my blindfold and We were on top of a yacht there was a table for two and champagne I was shocked I didnt know he can do this kind of things not after what he has already done to me 

He pulled my chair and poured me some champagne 

"Its beautiful here,the sunset is beautiful" 

"I knew you would like it here" 

He just stared at me and started smiling I shyly smiled back,my cheeks were turning red he kept on staring at me i bowed down my head to focus but when i tilted my head up he was already at my side , he cupped my chin and kissed me on the lips he grasped my back,lifted me up and carried me down to the room on the yacht 

He kneeled on the bed and continued kissing me 

"Zayn" I pleaded 

"Shh dont worry" 

He carefully laid me down the bed he ran his fingers through my hair placed a kiss on my forehead all the way down to my lips his tounge forcefully entered my mouth i felt violated at first but the feeling was great that i did the same thing to him his hands cupped my breasts I whimpered 

he kept on doing it his other hand travelled up to my jeans and unzipped it 

"Please dont" i begged weakly 

"It'll be alright"he assured me 

he slowly pulled my jeans down and tossed it aside he pulled up my shirt and threw it he did the same thing on his pants and shirt I saw his perfect body tattoos in his arms and abdomen I was mesmerized 

His hot body pressing into mine my heart was beating fast, faster than it normally does I felt the chuckle he let out 

"this is why i like you"he whispered in my ear 

he put his soft lips into mine 

"Your gonna love this" zayn said smirking at me 

He started kissing my neck and sucked his lips into the lovebite he left me I was aroused and he liked it and kept on doing it I tugged his soft black hair because the feeling was so great he started rubbing his crotch into mine 

"Zayn"I moaned 

He kissed me on the lips to make me shut up and he kept doing what he was doing I keep moaning out his name which he really loved my hands tugged his hair even more my thighs wrapping around his waist 

He rolled us and I was on top I didnt took the oppurtunity to over power him instead I just kept on kissing him and he kept on rubbing it 

"Ally" Zayn breathelessly said 

"Yeah?" I mumbled 


and We continued 


I was so out of breathe because of what just happened I cant believe I just did what I did with Zayn. I shook my head to keep focus I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself down I was about to stand when he yanked me back into his arms and kissed my shoulder 

"Where do you think your going?" 

"Gonna go fix myself and get dressed" 

"But you look sexier in your underwear" 

I light chuckled when zayn said that Im not really used to compliments like that since Ive never had a guy saw me almost bare naked He noticed that my cheeks turned red and kissed me on the lips 

"Ok Go" He said 

I went to the bathroom and pulled my hair up and stared in the mirror I felt the sore on my neck the lovebite he left me 2 days ago 

The door creaked open Zayn wrapped his arms around me 

"Tonight,Ill introduce to my friends" 

"Okay" I answered 

While Zayn was holding my hand and kissed it and kissed me on the cheeks

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