Is It Really Family If I Hate Them?

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Is It Family If I Hate Them:

“Twenty three failed attempts. What is she doing that’s stopping her death” I said to Rex, Tiny, and Richard.

“Maybe she made a deal with your uncle” Tiny said. Her and Richard were like a watered down version of demi gods. Richard’s grandfather had been a demi, then got with a human then his dad got with a human and made him. Tiny’s mother, on the other hand, was a demi, making Tiny a quarter of a demi I guess.

“Hades or Poseidon?” Rex said running his hands down my waist. Well all over. Anywhere he could reach. He pushed up my shirt just a little to see my hip. I stepped out of his grasp.

“Why Hades of course. I am after all his favorite great niece” Rex was seriously starting to get on my nerves, with all the touching. He just wouldn’t quit. His excuse was that he would be sixteen soon so it wasn’t his fault, which is total bs. But whatever, I don’t care. I’ve already laid down the law of anything sex related.

“Why don’t you act like your mother or in fact ask her for advice. Isn’t she in town?” Richard said. I looked around, and as if on cue, I saw a woman who looked like my mother in her human form. In fact she was walking towards us. She looked regal as if she were a queen. She sat down next to me in the empty chair.

“Um excuse me ma’am, who are you?” Richard asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“Friends?” she asked pointing lazily at them. I nodded as a smirk formed on her face.

“Hm young sir, you should learn your place in front of a goddess” the woman said taking off her sunglasses.

“Richard, Tiny, meet my mother” I said as a smirk formed on my face. It mirrored my mother’s as my friends went slack jawed.

“Aiko darling, I would have sent Iris or Hermes for you but I sensed you needed a personal visit. Now come along children, I have yet to meet your father’s new wife” my mother said standing in a swift motion and going towards a car. \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~ \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~

“Dad” I yelled as soon as my mom and friends were in the house. He appeared with his conjoined twin Brandy. His eyes widened and Brandy whispered something to him.

“I hate to seem like a bad guest, but it is impolite to whisper with other people in the room unless loud music is playing” my mom said with a smirk at my father’s still shocked face.

“I...I’m sorry I guess” Brandy said.

“Hello I’m Athena, and I take it you’re Brandy” my mom said looking her over. She scrunched up her nose then her face went blank.“Yes and like the goddess your parents must be into Greek things” Brandy responded.

“No, it’s not that they like Greek things, it’s because they are Greek. Jimmy has never told you that Aiko is half Greek” my mother said her gaze going to my father. She smiled and walked over to him she pouted. Wait was she trying to seduce my dad. I found this interaction amazing.

“I thought that you felt our daughter’s heritage was amazing. Didn’t you say you would tell any and everyone you encounter about it? You didn’t lie did you?” my mom said her pout becoming a full on frown. Dad was putty.

“I um I did I was going to I hadn’t got around to doing that I um what” he said. My normally well spoken dad was at a loss for words.“Hold on miss, I hate to tell you, but I have the ring on my finger so you can’t just barge in here and try to make moves on my husband” Brandy said realizing what was happening. My mom smiled and walked back to her original spot.

“You’re right my apologies. But I come and go to see my daughter as I please because trash like you isn’t a good role model for any young girl” my mom said in a polite tone. It made you think she said something sweet or kind.

“Ooh burn she just cut your arse” Tiny said. Brandy was stunned and ran off. Rex looked after her while putting an arm around my waist “So now that you’ve met Brandy, where are you off to your godliness” Rex said.

“Perhaps to take my daughter out” my mother responded glaring at Rex.

“Hold on you’re not going anywhere Aiko did you forget that you were grounded” my dad said coming out of whatever trance he was in.“For what” my mom said.

“She got into three fights with some girls at school” my dad said.“Sluts had it coming” I mumbled.

“She’s going. Besides, I know my daughter and I also know she’s not hurting anyone without some form of a reason” my mom said.

“Tell that to the twenty-three times she’s tried to kill Brandy in cold blood for no reason” my dad said. I felt my eyes go wide and felt myself sway a little. \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~ \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~

“Aiko. Aiko. Aiko!” Rex was calling me it sounded distant he touched my face.

“Oh Gods is she blacking out? Aiko!” my dad yelled. Brandy was the last person I saw and she was smirking. Then I saw darkness. I felt like i was being moved. I heard voices and another one was speaking to me. I recognized the voice it belonged to Rex. "Aiko baby if you can hear me squeeze my hand open my eyes do something anything to let me know baby girl please" he said I wish I could tell him I could hear him but I couldn't move my body felt heavy "Rex everyone leave I'll check her out" a woman voice most likely my mom. I felt a caress on my mind on my thoughts it felt like all the extra weight. I felt had been lifted I felt my eyelids flutter open as Rex,Tiny, and Richard run in. "Oh my Gods you're up" Tiny said hugging me tightly. I glared at Brandy who stood in my bedroom doorway "That evil siren tried to kill me my drink oh Gods no wonder that pepsi tasted funny if I had drunk it all I'd be dead" I shrieked out in my shock. My mom looked her over "Siren the evil witch is but come we talk in private I'm taking you out" my mom said. I swung out of my bed and pulled on my black boots. I also slid my pocket knives into each boot making a total of four. I stalked out the house hot on my mom's heels leaving a fuming stepmom, a disappointed father, a possible evil boyfriend, and two friends who just got caught in the mix. \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~ \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~  “So you really dislike her” my mother asked watching me for any signs of doubt. “Not dislike her I hate her with a fiery passion” I said. “And your father” she pressed on I felt like I was being interrogated for a crime that I didn’t commit…..yet. “If I had somewhere to go I’d leave. Mom look I need some advice because I don’t know sometimes I feel like Dad and I aren’t even a family anymore. I used to be able to tell him everything but now I can’t even stay in the same room as him with or without that infuriating woman” I said. I looked away my dad and I hadn’t spoke unless we were arguing lately I’m pretty sure the next step was to kick me out or put me into foster care. My mother looked me over. “All I can say is play your cards right it seems like you’ve been dealt a bad hand but in due time you’ll realize it’s power and then and only then will you have the wisdom to beat that woman without getting hurt or your hands dirty at all” she said after a while. I nodded because I knew she was right and I knew that I would be able to get rid of her or just free myself from her evil clutches. I had to help my father before it was too late because by the time she’s done he’ll be broke down and living on the streets all while she runs off with the next young rich guy that comes along.

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