Spend All The Money Says Brandy

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Spend All The Money says Brandy:

“Must I come with you on every shopping spree that brandy goes on” I said to my father while walking a few steps behind him. “Aiko you don’t have a say in the matter I refuse to leave you in the house so you can call that boy over Lord knows what you two do alone” he responded more to himself than me. “Alright so can I at least have Tiny here with me” I begged. “No you need new friends anyway Brandy was telling me how much of a bad influence they are to you” he said. I stopped walking and when he noticed he turned around to look at me I could feel the need to end her life right then and there a clear shot with the knife in my boot I can throw it I have good aim. I noticed I was shaking with my suppressed anger I looked up at my father he was watching me intently most likely to make sure my anger didn’t blow up the mall and force us to move again but he mostly looked afraid of what could happen to him “May Hades have no mercy on your soul father” I spat the words out like poison I turned and ran out of the mall  \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~ \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~ Rex finally came into Tiny’s room “So your dad really said you can’t hang with us because Brandy said we’re bad influences on you” Richard said still in shock about what I had just told them “I think that your father is just using this as a way to explain why you’re so hateful towards his wife” Tiny said I think it’s so that he can believe that Brandy and I actually don’t hate each other “He’s either blind to the fact that I hate her and vice-versa or he’s in complete denial about it” I said “I say let him have his way grab three new friends but still have us on the side. Make it seem like there’s a change in you besides it’ll make you more mature looking in his eyes” Rex said I felt my jaw drop as did Tiny and Richard’s we stared at him. “Rex I refuse to be a sideline friend even if it’s for a good cause” Tiny said angrily like she would hurt Rex for the suggestion alone. “Wait he’s onto something. If you get two more guys and a girl who will be at your beck and call show them to your father once then hang with us and if your dad runs into us we hide and your fake friends take our place” Richard said thoughtfully. “What if she’s kissing Rex is the next person stepping in to kiss her” Tiny said she was getting desperate she even hated the gym side lines. “I’ll beat the sorry fool if he thinks that’s true” Rex said “But he has to he’d be her fake boyfriend” Tiny said smirking she knew she had struck a nerve. “It doesn’t matter” Richard said. “Fine then I’ll agree Aiko you’ve been quite how do you feel” Tiny said they all looked at me as if I had just got into the room. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try it out” I said \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~ \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~ “Aiko I approve of these new friends, you’ve been being nice, and you’re actually putting in effort to do good at school I’m very proud of you see I knew all you needed was a new set of friends” my dad said as Brandon my fake boyfriend wrapped an arm around my waist he takes Rex’s place the girl who took Tiny’s place was named Abigail and the boy who had Richard down to a tee was Randal “So Mr.Stewart we’ll be back from the movies and dinner around say midnight” Brandon said I smiled. my dad believes my attitude towards life did a 180 but I still had the same one “Alright my boy I can clearly see you’re marriage material for her soon she’ll be a perfect little housewife for you isn’t that right Brandy” he asked as she came and stood next to him. "Oh yes she most certainly will be" Brandy said then she turned her attention to Brandon. "You said midnight right Brandon" she purred seductively. I felt myself getting jealous and tensing as she spoke to him but he kept his smile poliet and nodded at her. I couldn’t be jealous I mean I know I never felt like that around Rex when he spoke to her. Maybe I liked Brandon for real maybe not I’ll find out later I guess. He turned and guided me and his actual friends out of the house and down the street. When we rounded the corner he turned me to look at him. “What’s wrong are you ok” Brandon asked looking me in the eyes. I turned I didn’t want him catching any of my emotions I could feel myself relaxing and my face going void of any and all emotions. “I am ok can we just go I want to see my real friends and my boyfriend” I said blankly I prided myself on that considering all the feelings swirling within my body at the moment. It was Brandon’s turn to tense up and he did the minute I said boyfriend and he didn’t like how it was getting to him because he glanced at up and saw the exact people I wanted to hang out with. Now don’t get me wrong I can see myself hanging out with them too but my original friends have been through all of it with me. “Alright nerds you’ve had your fun hand her over” Rex said with venom. I have actually never understood why he doesn’t like these people maybe it’s because him and Brandon are so much alike yet so different. “We’re not nerds just because we don’t walk around cursing out everyone and picking on innocent people doesn’t mean we’re below you any of you” Brandon said Rex made a growling noise and grabbed my arm pulling me into him. “Hey I’m not a toy here I don’t want to be firmly thrust against people” I said through gritted teeth. Tiny giggled at me then looped arms with me with an all knowing smirk on her face. Jesus I know what this means.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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