The (Awful) Wedding

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The (Awful) Wedding:

I walked up to the, dare I say it? Blushing bride and thought about how her dress would look tinged red.

“Aiko are you ready?” she asked glaring at me.

“What the hades is your issue?” I said walking from her.

“First she disrespects her father, then she cuts school, then she’s

always under the influence, and she’s having sex before her time. And now she leaves out on her own mother and father’s wedding just sad. A sad little girl she is” I heard Brandy say to someone. I turned around.    “Listen, Brandy, you’re the reason why my father and I clash, so shut it. Second, I never cut school, so don’t lie. I’ve never got drunk and or high, so don’t lie. I’m still a virgin and ain’t nobody got up into here without putting a ring here” I said pointing to my ring finger she rolled her eyes but didn’t say a word. Good thing too, because my next move would be to color her dress red with her blood. I walked to the room where the guys were in and looked around for my boyfriend, Rex. He understood the demi-god thing because, well, he is one.

“Rex” I called. I couldn’t see him at all. As I went looking around, my dad caught me.

“Hey you look nice and you’re being nice” he said smiling. It almost made me want to call it quits with my plan....almost.

“Dad, you and I have two different definitions for being nice” I told him he shook his head.

“Honey, just you wait and see. You’ll love having Brandy as your step mother” he said. Rex, thank Zeus, came to my rescue.

“Hello Mr.Stewart, Aiko” he said.

“Rex” my father sneered. I smirked. Not too good when the shoe is on the other foot is it?

“So Mr.Stewart, I hear you’re in the process of writing a book” Rex said. My father cracked a smile. The same smile that had ensnared my mother. The same smile he used to give me when I was little. The same one he now usually reserves for Brandy. This was the first time I’d seen it without it being directed towards her, that evil witch of a woman. I wonder if mother could make her the next Medusa.

“Yes. An autobiography to be exact” my father said. Rex looked at me sharply.

“I bid you two a farewell” I said quietly. I picked up the front of my dress and ran off to make sure everything for my plan was set. If this plan went off without a hitch, there would be no step-mother for me. If I failed, I will either be in jail or a foster home.

I looked at the giant ice sculpture. This death would look accidental. The sculpture melted too quick, it fell on the blushing bride. My father would be upset, yet he would move on in due time because I knew that time mends the soul and fixes the heart so that it may love again.

“If you stand here this long it’ll make it seem like you did something to it” Rex said walking up behind me with my two friends Richard and Tiny. I smiled calm cool calculating.

“Dear boyfriend, no one here can accuse me of such a deed. They either don’t know me or think I’m still pure as a child. The only thing they can truly say is that I’m the love child of Jimmy Stewart and a Greek woman. No one can touch me” I said.

“Better hope not for all of our sake. So anyway let’s go, they can’t start without us” Tiny said turning with a swish of her dress. \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~ \(^.^)/ (~^.^)~\(^.^)/ (~^.^)~

“Oh my God Brittany my baby sister” Brandy yelled kneeling, getting blood and water on her $20,000 (courtesy of my father) dress. I grimly watched the chaos that I had started.

“Well, that didn’t go as planned” Tiny said appearing as usual by my side.

“No it went perfectly” I said sarcastically. I frowned.

“Aww honey no need to be so upset. At least Brandy is safe. If she had been more to the left they’d both be dead” my father said coming near me.  I smiled my fake sugary sweet smile. The one I had grown accustom to giving him nowadays when he spoke about Brandy. Funny, at one point the smiles had been real genuine now they were a constant reminder that my father didn’t know or care to know me anymore.

“Yes Brandy is safe which is more important” I said back. Brandy stood without a single tear or smudge of her makeup. She hadn’t been crying in the words of a cousin I don’t speak with because my dad cut off all contact with his family. That trick needs to die. Her love for her sister was faker than her inner beauty. My dad smiled.

“You’re getting it baby girl” he said. Brandy clapped her hands not as an applaud, but as a way to call her people to attention, Rex looked at her and smirked. Then he turned his attention to me.

“On with the wedding everyone. We can’t let this minor problem make my special day sour” she said. Everyone shrank back and a crew of men came and cleaned up the gore and of course I was getting it. There are always other times to kill the demonic woman who was out to destroy my life.

\(^.^)/ (~^.^)~

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