Chapter 6 :)

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My hands tightly gripped the sink, leaning my weight on it as I tried to control my breathing. I raised my head up to the mirror attempting to calm myself down. I couldn't believe how forward Harry's actions were. It's like he didn't care if anyone saw. I patted my pockets to check for my phone.


I had left it in my bag, at the table, with Harry. My heart sunk at the realisation that I had no one to contact. I shook my head, my hair swaying from side to side.

"I can't do this." I spoke to myself.

I glanced up at my reflection in the mirror again; I don't think I had ever been more scared. Frantically I paced up and down in the empty toilet, trying to figure out my options. I could either go back in and face Harry or I could make a break for it. My eyes darted over to the window and I quickly opted for option two.

My hands yanked the window open, I was about to climb on to the sill when the door creaked open. To my relief I spun round to see the waitress that had served us.

"Are you Bo?" She asked.

I nodded my head and waited for her to continue.

"The guy you're with asked me to check on you."

"Oh god."

She walked closer to me, catching my hand and pulling me to the side.

"W-where is he?"

"He's waiting outside the door." She whispered worriedly.

My eyes widened at what she told me. Her head turned to the open window and then back to me. She obviously knew what I had been attempting before sh arrived.

"Go." She nudged me towards the escape. "I'll tell him you weren't in here."

"Thank you." I smiled.

I caught hold of the window sill, pulling myself up. I glanced back to see her exit the toilet.

"What!" I heard a low voice shout on the other side of the door.


I sat with my legs hanging out the window. But just before I jumped down the short distance to the floor outside, the toilet door swung open. Harry's dark eyes locked with mine. His angry gaze quickly changed into grin and I realised this was fun for him. A chase.


I ran as fast as I could along the promenade, the air cooler than when we had first arrived. My long hair blew out behind me. I quickly passed the entrance to the restaurant, hoping I could gain as much distance as possible. I glanced back to see Harry hot on my heels.


I refused to give up, I had to get away from him. My legs began to ache as I forced myself harder. The air I was drawing in, not being able to satisfy my need. I was gasping for breath as I rounded a corner, still on the path that ran alongside the water. I began to panic when I realised the path was quickly coming to an end. My head darted one way then the other, desperately searching for a way out. I skidded to a stop, turning round to find Harry slowing down. He smirked at me as he strolled closer, knowing I had nowhere left to run. I took a few steps back only to hit the railing. Both of our breathing was forced out in heavy puffs.

"Where'd you think you're going, Love?"

He continued towards me as I moved slightly to the left, thinking I might be able to get past him and run the other way. Harry was only a few metres from me when my back pressed up to a gate that led to a straight drop down to the water. I pressed harder into the barrier, urgently trying to increase the space between us.

I let out a shriek as the gate behind me gave way. It swung open, I lost my balance and fell through the opening.


I hit the cool water below, my body sinking down. My arms and legs worked together to try and reach the surface. For a moment, relief washed through my body. It may not have been the perfect solution but I was now out of reach from Harry. That was until I felt another splash not far from me. A strong arm wrapped tightly round my waist and I was tugged to the surface. We both gasped for air as I spluttered out water.

I shoved my hands to his chest, pushing him away. He swept back his wet curls from his face as he watched me. I kicked my legs to keep myself above the water. Harry grinned at me, revealing his dimples before he spoke.

"Well, this is the quickest I've got a girl wet on a first date."

I groaned at his suggestive comment. I highly questioned his words having heard many things about his relationship with women. I wasn't a very strong swimmer and after the run my body felt weak in the water. However, I attempted the swim to the dock anyway. My hands pressed to the hard surface but before I could push myself up Harry caught hold of my hips. He twisted me round to face him, his body closer than what I would have liked.

Harry could tell I was struggling to keep my head above water.

"Hold on to me." He roughly whispered.

My hands stayed in the water, continually moving to keep myself afloat. He gripped my arms pulling them up and round his neck. Harry's right hand caught hold of the dock behind my head while his left pressed to my lower back, forcing my body into his. He held us up, his eyes never leaving my face. I had to trust him not to let me drown. My breath hitched in my throat as he began to lean into me.

"Harry, I'm cold." I whispered.

I let go of his neck, turning round to grip the dock. I watched as he hauled himself out of the water. His clothes dripping as he bent down and helped me out. I was surprised by his strength, Harry easily getting me up onto the platform before I caught my foot and stumbled into him. The action took him by surprise, falling backwards with me on top of him. Harry let out a grunt as we lay on the wooden dock. I placed my hands on his chest pushing myself up, my legs

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