Never Say Goodbye

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  • Dedicated to Sam

Chapter 1

A/N Hey guys! This is a new story I am working on and I hope you like it! I am open to any suggestions and any constructive criticism! Please remember to comment, read, and vote for this story!!

January 4, 1999. That was the day my best friend, Layla Jay Grace, died. No one knows what actually happened to her. Many people guess that she had a heart attack and died, but I know that it isn't the truth. How do I know? I was with her earlier the day she died, almost two months ago. Usually there are some symptoms before you have a heart attack, like an aching chest. But, that wasn't her case. She was delighted and as excited as could be. We were in the park, sitting on the rotten, brown wooden bench. We were talking and telling jokes when she got a text message. She said she had to go somewhere for it was an emergency, but she wouldn't tell me where no matter how much I persevered to get the answer. Layla told me that she would call me when she got back, but she never did. I was wondering why she didn't call me back; Layla was always true to her word. I got the news that evening that she left. She left us. She left me. She left without even saying goodbye.

Today is the day of her funeral. I was thinking about not going since it would only bring back memories of the good times we had together, and now we can't make more. But, my mom insisted I go to it since it would be the last time I ever saw her again. I decided to wear my black, high-heeled leather boots with black pants and a black, ruffled top. I put my long, brunette hair into a bun, and I decided to wear my friendship bracelet that Layla gave me three years ago. "Hurry up, Bailey! We're going to be late for Layla's funeral!" called my mom. "I'm coming!" I answered. I put on my mascara and blue eye shadow, which matched my blue eyes, and I ran down the stairs. As I got in the car, I kept on wondering about Layla. Why did she have to die? Why did she have to leave? At first, I was angry at Layla for dying. But, I realized it wasn't her fault that she died. She couldn't have done anything to stop it, especially if it was a heart attack. I felt guilty for being mad at Layla; it was such a selfish thought. What happened, happened. I couldn't go back in time and stop Layla from dying, even though I wish I could.

A/N Sorry this chapter is really short but I promise the next chapter will be longer!

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