Chapter 1

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Vanessa's POV
I was in the bathroom at Liam's house getting ready for the dinner we were supposed to be going to. It's so strange how every time after he beats me he acts so nice to me like he's a whole different person, so this time he said he would take me to dinner. Liam barged into the bathroom and looked at my face. I looked into his pale grey eyes confused. He touched the bruise he had given me on my forehead last night. "Why aren't you covering this up with makeup?" He asked me with a bit of anger in his voice. "I-I-I tried" I told him, my voice shaking. "Well you're not trying hard enough!" Liam grabbed my arms and pinned me to the wall. "I know what you want... You want to get me in trouble huh?" He said very close to my face. His breath in my ear gave me chills. "IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT!!!" He shouted very loudly and slapped me across my face. I felt the pain radiate off my face. At this point I was shaking so hard, I knew it was only going to get worse from here. "What do you want from me!?" I sobbed as I tried to loosen his grip on my wrists. "Did I ask you to speak? Look at yourself! Crying over nothing. Listen up bitch, you haven't even seen the worst of me!" Liam said and he forcefully threw me to the ground. Liam left the bathroom and now all I could do now was just sit here, crying and waiting for this to be over. "Vanessa!" He called. I thought to myself oh lord! Jesus please help me. "Vanessa get your ass over here now!" He called again. I was so nervous. I got up from the floor and slowly exited the bathroom. I saw Liam sitting on the bed smoking a cigarette. "Go take off that dress we're not going anymore." He said "okay" I replied with some annoyance in my voice. "Don't give me that attitude. You will respond with "yes" and "no" sir" he said. "O....I mean yes sir" I said. "I tried to do something nice for you and you don't even appreciate it!" He said angrily. "What do you mean! You're the one that ruined this for us!" I said and immediately regretted it. "Okay that's it Vanessa! I'm getting really freaking sick of this!" He said. "Seriously after everything I do for you! Who do you think you are! You're nothing!" He said as he put his cigarette into the ash tray on the nightstand. He picked up the ashtray and threw it aggressively in my direction. It hit me in the head really hard, all the cigarette buds and ashes fell all over me. My vision began to get blurry and the room was getting darker, I fell to the floor. I was really dizzy but my vision wasn't completely dark I could still kind of see. I saw a shadowy figure, it was Liam holding a knife he was coming towards me with the knife. "LIAM PLEASE!! STOP!!!" I screeched. I jolted upwards, my heart was racing. When I opened my eyes I was in my bed back at home with my mom. It was all a dream. I always have dreams like this, I just want to stop living in fear, that's why I'm leaving, I have to get away from Liam. I'm going to live in Los Angeles with my best friend Sarah in a few days. I met Liam last year when I was 17 and he was 24. He's a lot older than me but he was the best boyfriend I could ever have, he made me feel so special and I don't think I'll ever feel that way again. Until he went crazy this year he started abusing me for no reason. He always puts me down and tells me I'm worthless. So my self esteem has really dropped since I met him. I'm only with this guy because he is the reason me and my mom are still alive and not homeless. My dad died when I was 13 and ever since then my mom has been really depressed and she just recently has been diagnosed with breast cancer. So she can't work and Liam's been helping pay for the house. My mom doesn't know he's abusive... No one does. She thinks he's the perfect boyfriend he used to be a year ago. If he found out I told anyone he would kill me and my mom. And for the same reason I can't break up with him. That's why I'm moving to LA for a while until everything with Liam is dealt with. I'm really excited to live life without being worried about everything I do. I'm just worried about leaving my mom. She thinks I'm moving to Los Angeles to pursue my dreams of becoming a singer. She's going to be living with my aunt until I get back, that is when she's not in the hospital. My name is Vanessa I'm from Canada...Toronto...the six. Im pretty tall 5'10 I hate it! Everyone always tells me I should be a model but you have to be pretty and confident to be a model and that's something I don't have. Liam is really tall like 6'5 he's huge and muscular, which makes him so much more intimidating. I have long curly brown hair but I've always been straightening it because Liam would hurt me whenever I left it curly because he didn't like it. He doesn't know I'm leaving and I can't let him find out. I'm scared to go back to sleep now because I don't want to have another Liam nightmare but I'm just going to take a sleeping pill and I should be fine. I woke up the next morning, the sun peeking through the window blinding me. I went downstairs to make breakfast for my mom and Later I went to go finish packing because I'm leaving for LA tomorrow and I can't wait. I was about to go get my mom to drive her to my aunts when I heard the doorbell ring. My heart started to beat really fast and I began to panic, I knew it had to be Liam. He keeps telling me to move in with him but I have to stay here and take care of my mom. He's only letting me stay because it's all part of his "good boyfriend" act. I heard my mom calling me. "Vanessa! Who's at the door?" I couldn't get the door, I have to avoid him. I went upstairs to my mom and told her it was just some guy trying to sell something. "Okay mom, we can go to aunt Maggie's now." I said to my mom. "You know what honey, I'm not feeling too good today, I'm going to have your aunt Maggie pick me up tomorrow and take me to the hospital for my treatment."she said. I was nervous about leaving my mom when her health is not too good. And I was scared that Liam might show up here tomorrow when I'm not there. But I'm going to try my hardest not to worry about it. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you now?" I asked, trying to convince her to let me drive her. "Yes I'm sure Vanessa, you don't have to worry about me. I'm the mother I'm supposed to be taking care of you. Thank you for everything, I love you so much" my mom said as she got emotional. "I love you too" I responded.

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