Chapter 3

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                              Jack Gilinsky's POV
I was waiting at the entrance for Madison and this mystery girl Vanessa when I heard Jack J say "damn" I looked in the direction he was looking and I saw Madison and Vanessa. "She fine as hell" Sammy said. She was so gorgeous and she wasn't even trying. They walked up to us and I couldn't take my eyes off Vanessa. I think all of us were staring at her. "Aye ma wassup?" Nate said as he went in for a hug. "Oo girl you give the best hugs" he said to her. Vanessa laughed and said "thank you?" She had the cutest laugh. It's been 5 seconds and already he's going for it. I don't know why, but it made me angry. Since Nate hugged her, Sammy went next. "Hey beautiful" he said as he hugged her. "Hey Sammy" she replied. "Oh she already know who we are... Cool" said Johnson as he went in for a hug next. "Yeah, I'm a big fan of your music." Vanessa said. "Thanks" we all said at the same time, which was weird. Now it was time for my hug. "Hey Vanessa" I said as I squeezed her so tight. I could just make out with her right here and now, but I have Madison. God she just smelled so good!

Vanessa's POV
Jack Gilinsky hugged me so tight. He smelled so good, but something about this hug made me feel uncomfortable. The whole time since I got here he's been staring at me. I'm just thinking like boy you got a girlfriend back up. He's been hugging me for like almost a minute now and I hear Johnson say" dude let her breath." "I know seriously Jack?" Madison said. After he heard her say that, he let go and went to kiss Madison on the cheek. "Look at all of you, staring at her like she's a piece of meat. Leave her alone." Madison said as she looked Gilinsky right in the eyes. I looked at her and smiled. I liked that she was standing up for me. A little while later the uber got here. We all got in and told him where we were going. "Wow Vanessa, you live so close to Jack and I." Jack J said. "Yeah" I said "but it's not my house, it's my friend Sarah's. I'm not staying here forever, as much as I love LA." I continued. "Well for the time your here, we can hangout all the time, I hate being the only girl in the group so it would be nice to have you. And if  you ever need anything, we are always here for you." Madison said. "Thank you so much...  For everything." I replied. Jack G got a text. A few seconds later, Jack J got a text, a few seconds after that Nate got a text, then Sammy, then Madison. "Okay that was really weird" I said. "It was cam right?" Nate asked. "Yeah" everyone else responded. "Cameron Dallas is having a party you should come." Jack G said to me. "Nah, I shouldn't. No one knows me and why would they want me there?" I said  "Umm because your hot af" Nate said. I laughed. Does he really find ME attractive in any way? "I would, but I can't leave Sarah by herself." I said. "Oh she could come too!" Jack J said. "Yeah wonder if she's as cute as you" Sammy said. "She's cuter" I said. A while later we got to my house I was about to get out of the uber when Jack G said "You better be coming Vanessa, we will be back in an hour to pick you guys up." "Okay Jack" I said as I smiled. I rang on Sarah's doorbell and waiting for her to answer the door. "Vanessa!!!" She yelled when she opened the door. I gave her a big hug. "Sarah! I missed you so much! Did your hair get blonder?" I asked her. "Yeah I was going for the platinum blonde look. Did you get hotter wtf!?" She responded. "Nahh, look at chuu! Well maybe I look better cause Madison Beer just freaking did my makeup!" I told her. "Wait... Hold up.... What? How tf did you even get here? I was waiting for you to call me so I had no idea when to pick you up!" She said. "I'm sorry my phone died. I got here in an uber with Madison who is super nice btw and all the Omaha boys." I replied. "OMG how did you even meet them?" She asked me looking shocked. "It's a long story I'll explain later. Jack G is coming to pick us up in an hour to go to a party at cam's house that I don't even wanna go to" I said. "OMFG....OMFG! It's a party at Cameron Dallas' house.... And you don't wanna go. I'm always down for a party and this is a party with a bunch of sexy dudes that are like famous! WE HAVE TO GO! Omg omg omg that means skate and Sammy are gonna be there! I'm dying! I literally can't!" Sarah said freaking out and getting really excited. "Are you serious? I just moved here, LA isn't the safest place there's gonna be a lot of drunk people and strangers we have only seen on a screen before and I just don't think it's a good idea." I said. "Are you done yet mom? We are going to that party. Come on!" she said as she grabbed some of my bags and my arm and pulled me up the stairs. "Ughhh" I said. I knew she was going to want to go, Sarah never says no to a party. I just don't feel safe doing anything, Liam would never let me go to a party. I know I'm in a different country now, but I just don't feel safe and I want to feel safe and protected again. "Omg I have no idea what to wear! I'm so excited though!' Sarah said. "Yay I can't wait" I said sarcastically. "Oh come on! Cheer up, isn't this something you have always dreamed of? WE are going to a party with the Omaha boys and a bunch of other internet famous people." She said as she took off her clothes to change. I looked in my suitcase for something to wear, I pulled out some ripped jeans, a crop top, and my black converse. Sarah walked out of the bathroom in a short, tight black dress and some sliver sparkly heels. Sarah looked amazing, she was literally flawless. "What do you think?" She asked. "Umm I think do you wanna get assaulted tonight? Don't you think that's a bit scandalous the guys are gonna be all over you." I responded. "Wow Vanessa... Are you serious? I'm not gonna get raped at this party" she said as she laughed. She laughs but it was really a sensitive topic to me. Liam sexually assaulted me many times. I'm scared I can't trust another guy. I'm scared of being in a relationship. I'm scared of men. Which is why I don't want to go to this party. I told Sarah that me and Liam broke up just so I wouldn't have to talk about him. Now she thinks I totally wanna start dating again. "You look amazing but don't you think it's a bit to fancy for this party?" I said and showed her what I was going to wear. "Oh there is no way I'm letting you wear that!" She said. "Well I'm sorry dear, but I don't have a dress so this is gonna have to work" I said to her. The last time I wore a dress was when I was 13 at my dads funeral. I miss him so much. The thought of him almost made me cry , but I just had to brush it off . Sarah pulled out a light pink/nude coloured lacey dress from her closet. It was really short see through, and tight and I didn't feel comfortable wearing it. "Go put this on" she said "oh and these" she continued as she handed me some 6inch black stilettos. "I'm not wearing this Sarah!" I said to her. "Yes you are! You don't have a choice! Now go put it on! And hurry we only have 40 minutes to curl our hair and do our makeup before they get here." She said. "I unwillingly put the dress on and it did fit perfectly but I felt really uncomfortable to wear this to a party. I walked over to Sarah and she whistled at me. "You look so hot Vanessa! Turn around for me." She said I rolled my eyes and spun in a circle. "Ooh your ass looks amazing in that dress girl!" She said. "For real? I actually look decent?" I asked her. "Oh trust me you look much much better than decent." She replied. We curled our hair and I touched up the makeup Madison had already did for me. As we were getting ready,I explained the whole story of how I met Madison and the boys. And then the doorbell rang. "Yay! They're here!" Sarah said excitedly. She ran down the stairs and almost tripped because she was wearing heels. I laughed. "Shut up Vanessa!" She said as she was about to open the door. "Wait do I look okay?" She asked me. "You look great! Now go get the door I forgot my phone." I left my phone charging in Sarah's room. I went to go get It and saw there was 2 missed calls from Liam. Whatever I'm away from him and I don't have to worry about him anymore. I decided to block his number so I never have to hear from him again. Now I'm gonna go and try to have fun at this party and not worry about Liam.

Sarah's POV
I opened the door and standing right in front of me was Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson. I was fangirling so hard right now but tried to stay calm. "Hey, you must be Sarah." Jack G said with his deep manly voice. "I'm Jack and he's also Jack" said Jack J
I giggled and said "I know, I love you guys!" "Oh cool! You look really pretty" said Jack J "oh thanks!" I replied. "Umm do you know where Vanessa is?" Asked Jack G. "One sec." I said. "Vanessa!" I yelled. "Get your ass down here right now!" I screamed. Vanessa walked down the stairs carefully in her heels and Jack G was staring at her like she was Cinderella or something. "Wow..." Jack G said with his mouth open. "Hey guys." Vanessa said. "You look beautiful Vanessa." Jack G said even though he has a girlfriend... Smh. "Thank you, you don't look bad yourself" she said.

Jack G's POV
I couldn't help but look at Vanessa, she was so sexy. The more I looked at her, the more I fell out of love with Madison, plus before we got here I got into a fight with Madison about me looking at Vanessa and how she always flirts with other guys and when other guys flirt with her she just lets them she never mentions that she's taken. "Ok guys we should probably go the limo's waiting." Said Jack J. "You guys got a limo!?" I asked enthusiastically. "Yeah I didn't think all of us were gonna fit in that uber." Jack G said. We walked outside about to get into the limo. "Wow this is awesome" Sarah said. We got into the limo and Nate said "damn! You guys look so hot!" "Woah Vanessa, do all your friends loom like that?" He said as he eyed Sarah. Sarah giggled. "Thank you guys! you all look hot as hell too" A while later we got to Cameron's house and rang on the doorbell. We all stood there waiting for him. I was so annoyed with Madison I just wanted to avoid her but at the same time I wanted to apologize hoping she would also apologize and everything would if be fine between us for a while. I miss when we had a good relationship. Cameron opened the door. "Hey guys! Thanks for coming! And who are these gorgeous ladies you have with you?" He said as he stared at Vanessa and Sarah. "I'm Vanessa." She said " "I'm Sarah. Thanks for having us" said Sarah. "No problem have fun!"

Vanessa's POV
We stepped inside the house and music was playing very loudly some guys already hollered at us and I already wanted to leave. I saw people dancing, guys groping girls and I started to feel uneasy. A few minutes later a slow song came on everyone started dancing, Jack G danced with Madison, Sarah danced with Nate, Jack J and Sammy both asked some random girls to dance. I just started to walk around. About 5 different guys asked me to dance, I turned down all of them I went to go sit in the bathroom. Every time I saw a new guy talking to me I pictured Liam beating me. I wanted it to stop. I thought about getting drunk, but I knew it was a bad idea. I just really wanted to leave this party.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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