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"Where do you go on fridays?" I asked, sitting up to look at him. He stopped buttoning up his shirt for a moment and paused and turned to face me with a blank expression. "What do you mean?" I looked at him and felt like sighing outloud, he wore the same careful blank facail expression everytime I asked questions like this, as if he was guarding his real emotions. "You're always busy on friday." He sat down beside me on the bed, not in his usual way, but the catious way my parents might have done a few years ago before telling me bad news. "I've happened to be busy on a lot of fridays, it's just coincidence." the tone of his voice made me feel like screaming. "You just happened to be busy every friday for the last two years? You only work sunday, monday and tuesday. In the two years we've been dating we've never met up on a friday and when I stay round your house you always leave friday morning to go somewhere, don't you find that a bit weird?" He gave out a fake laugh and ran his fingers through my dark hair, normally I had no objection to him touching me, but for some reason it felt very demeaning like I was an animal he was petting or a small child he was comforting. "You're paranoid babe," he said continuing to smile "We can go out somewhere this friday if you want, so you can see nothing's going on." I pulled away from him slightly and felt my face form an ugly accusing look. "I know I'm not the smartest person, but.. every friday ... for two years.. two years and..." I began. I looked at Jakob's caring hazel eyes, he was smiling one of his kind patient smiles like he does when I say something stupid. I felt my cheeks blush bright red with embarrassment and shook my head dismissively at my half started sentence. "So where should we go friday?" I asked. "You can pick." he said, quickly kissing my cheek and standing back up to resume buttoning his shirt. I watched him walk over to the cupboard and open the draw he tells me not to look in. I thought about asking what was in it, then decided against it after the conversation we just had. He dug through the draw, which sounded quite full and brushed his hand through his blonde hair, the way he does when he feels stressed. "I hate it when you look at me like that." he said with his back still turned to me. "Like what?"

"Like you're watching... Oh it doesn't matter." he said still facing away from me. I stood up and walked towards him, his whole body tensed slightly. He tried to continue to look busy, searching through the draw, but his hands couldn't find anything else he needed and he came to a sudden stillness, frozen with his back to me and his eyes facing the wall as I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. "Sorry for looking at you like that." I said. We stoud how we were for a moment and then he unwrapped my arms from him and walked towards the door "I have to go to work." Jakob had a part time job at the DIY store. My eyes glanced over to the draw, which was now closed. He followed my gaze. "You promise you won't look in there." I wanted to tell him I hated all these secrets. But decided I couldn't be bothered with that kind of conversation again. "I promise." I replied with my fingers crossed behind my back. He smiled, satisfied. "Bye then. Love you." he said closing the front door as he left. "Bye. Love you too." I replied opening the draw.

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