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Hey my name is Andrea and I'm in the 12th grade and I'm in love with Dylan Blake he's so cute and smart and funny.. But his sister Sarai hates me and she won't even let me near him even though she new me since the 3rd grade....and it's been hell ever since but atleast I have my best friend here with me teala!!!😘😘 we known each other our whole lives and and we've been through everything together including dealing with Sarai... But hopefully things work out with me and Dylan without Sarai getting In the way... Anyways on to my story

I get up from bed to get ready for school. I've been currently laying there thinking about today.

I get in the shower and wash up. When I get out I blow dry my hair which I currently cut short. I straighten it after that.

I put on some high waisted light blue skinny jeans and a all white loose crop top with a boob pocket. I put on my white converses and a floral kimono.

I do my famous smokey eye and liner. Also some nude lipstick.

I grab my phone and walk down stairs. I see my dad sitting at the table reading the newspaper.

"Hey dad" I say grabbing a apple off of the counter.

"Hey, off to school?" He asks setting the paper down. I nod taking a bite of my apple.

"Well I'm going to be home late tonight. Some of my co-workers and I are going to go out tonight" he says.

I just nod again. He tell me this every morning, ever since my mother died. He would tell my babysitter this also. My mom died when I was younger.

My dad leaves and I finish my apple. I hear a car honk outside telling my that my amazing best friend Teala is here.

I walk outside and get in Tealas Jeep.

"Hey babes" she says smiling.

"Hey!" I say. She pulls out of my drive way. She head off to school but she lets the one and only Dylan Blake out of his driveway.

See this was my every morning. Dylan waves to us thanking us like usual. But his sister just glares at us, Sarai Blake. She absolutely hates my guts. In all honesty I have no idea why.


Teala and I walk into school and we go to our locker.

"So what's the plan today?" Teala asks

"What do you mean?" I ask grabbing my math book out.

"You know what I mean. What do you want me to sneak a little love note into his locker. Give him a box of chocolates and say they are from someone that I can't say? What?" She asks smiling.

"Hey now. Don't make fun. And plus if I'm giving anyone chocolates, I'm going to give myself chocolates." I say.

"Of course you would. But really what's the plan?" She says being a little more serious.

"I just wanna be his friend Teala. Because right now he just knows me as his next door neighbor." I say sighing.

"That's actually a really good idea. Like I'm actually with you on this one" she says laughing a little.

I stop walking.

"Wait so you weren't with me all the other times?" I ask smiling a little. I mean some of the other times I wouldn't be with me either. But that's not the point.

"Heck no. Andrea paa-lease. I mean you sold practically everything you own just so you could get him the watch he wanted and when he thanked you he called you Stella." Teala says arching one of her eyebrows.

I sigh. "Yea that I regret. But I just want to be his friend then maybe something will happen" I say.

We walk to our first hour.


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