Chapter 9: Secrets

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Mabel's POV

After Y/n left the shack, the Stan twins walked into the room.

"Hey, where's Y/n?" Ford asked.

"She went out for a walk. She said if she wasn't back by two, we should look for her." I said. 

Ford nodded, while Stan sat on the couch.

"Mabel, you know something we don't." Dipper said.

Stupid twin senses! Of course he saw that I was hiding something. I was going to ask Y/n if she liked Bill, since he was in love with her, but after Dipper said that he could planning something, I decided against it, it made sense. Bill could be lying about it. I still couldn't believe the fact that I almost thought I could get them together, I guess I was tired.

Yet I still tried to hide the fact that I knew.

"What! No I don't know what your talking about." I said, nervously.

Dipper raised his eyebrow, obviously not amused.

"Fine. Last night, I saw Bill with Y/n. When I asked why he was here, he said he was visiting her, but then asked about love, and I think he's in love with Y/n. I was going to ask her about it today, but after you said he could be planing something, I realized you were right, I was too tired to think about the fact he could be lying." I said.

"Wait, he said he loved Y/n?!" Stan exclaimed.

"Uh, yeah. I just said that." I said.

"You're right, he could be lying, but how do we know for sure? I mean, there is a good chance he's lying." Dipper said.

"We have to follow Y/n to make sure Bill doesn't get to her." Ford said.

"No, that's stalking, something that is very creepy. We can't follow her everywhere, I mean everyone needs their space." I said.

"Mabel's right. But who says we can't keep her company when she goes for long walks alone. It's like following, but not stalking." Stan said.

"Wow Lee, that's the most intelligent thing you've ever said." Ford said.

"Hey!" Stan complained.

I rolled my eyes, they tended to do this, a lot.

"But that doesn't matter, because I have a important announcement to make, but I will wait for when Y/n gets back." Stan said.

Dipper and I groaned. "You shouldn't have said that then, you got me excited for no reason." I said, disappointed.

Stan shrugged and we all went back to watching Ducktective.

Y/n's POV

Bill and I broke from the kiss for air.

Realization sunk in, and I turned red from embarrassment. "Oh, my God, I don't know what came over me, I-" I stopped because Bill was laughing.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Why are you sorry? You shouldn't apologize for the kiss, because, I-I love you." He said, bringing me closed for another kiss.

He loved me. The words rang in my ears like bells on a carriage. I grabbed his face in my hands and brought him closer, enjoying every second of the kiss.

We broke for air again. "I-I, love you too." I said, smiling. 

I know I wasn't supposed to trust him, but something told me I could, yet Dipper's words still stuck in my head.

"So, does this mean we're a couple?" Bill asked.

"Don't be stupid, of course." I said.

"We can't tell the Pines about this. They don't trust you, and they've already started to tell me not to trust you either, and if they find out, God knows what will happen." I said.

He nodded, and wrapped and arm around me, while I put my head on his chest, smiling. My phone beeped. I pulled it out, annoyed, to see the time: 1:50.

"Shoot, I got to go back to the shack." I said. "I said if I'm not back by 2 they should look for me."

Bill stood up and offered his hand. "Then I shall lead you there, m'lady." He said, smirking.

I giggled and took his hand, and made our way to the shack, our fingers intertwined.

*time skip to shack brought to you by low battery*

I stopped in the bushes that circled the shack. "Thanks Bill, see you tomorrow, hopefully." I said, kissing his cheek.

I walked to the shack, and turned around to face Bill, to him wave, then disappear.

I opened the door, and entered the shack smiling. I sat down on the floor next to Mabel and Dipper.

"Someone's happy." Mabel said, noticing my smile.

"So?" I asked. "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing." Dipper said. "But Grunkle Stan, you said that you would tell us something once Y/n gets here, and here she is."

"Oh, yeah. Well, this Friday, we're..." He paused for a dramatic effect.

"Spill the beans, old man!" Mabel yelled. I chuckled.

"Having a karaoke party Friday!" He yelled.

Normally, I wouldn't like karaoke, but I was in such a good mood, I smiled even wider. "Cool!" I said.

"AWESOME!" Mabel exclaimed. "This is going to be great!"

"Great." Dipper said, obviously not excited.

"Come on Dipstick! It'll be fun!" Mabel said, shaking her brother.

I giggled. That's when realization hit. "Wait, you mean we all are going to sing?" I asked.

"Well duh! It's a karaoke party!" Mabel exclaimed.

I sighed. This is going to be a great Friday.

Dipper's POV

I wasn't really excited for the party, I didn't like to sing, and knowing Mabel, she was probably going to get Love Patrol Alpha back together.

"Oh! We need clothes, Y/n! Time for four hours at the mall!" Mabel yelled.

Y/n didn't answer. In fact, she had a huge smile on her face, and her eyes were closed. She sighed.

"Y/n!"Mabel shouted.

"Wha!" Y/n shouted, jumping up in the air, her face red.

"Ooo! Does Y/n have a crush?" Mabel teased.

"No. Now let's get this shopping over with!" Y/n said, standing up.

"Whoop! Shopping!" Mabel yelled again.

"See ya guys later!" Mabel said, dragging Y/n to the golf cart.

"If I survive," Y/n mumbled, before following Mabel.

"What do you think she was thinking about?" I asked, after the girls had left.

"I don't know, maybe girl things?" Stan suggested.

"Whatever it was, something tells me Mabel is going to get it out of her." Ford said.

I nodded. Mabel will most likely have the information. All we had to do was wait until she gets home, which might take a while.

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