What is happiness?

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Hello. I did it again... I started a new story without finishing my old one... Well, this idea just wouldn't leave my mind so i just started to write it. I don't know where this is going though...

As English is not my first language there will probably some faults in the story. please forgive me for that. Also this story is not betaed (Do you wirte it like that?). If there are any mistakes in it feel free to tell me and I'll correct it. 

I won't do many author's notes I think. I never no what to write in them, so i leave it. just so that you warned...

i hope you enjoy the story :)


Some people believe that there is a recipe for being happy. Some say all they need is money and fame. Other say all you need is love. There are also some who say you need a good family and friendship. Or a mix of all of them. If you don't have that, you'll be unhappy. Then you can't live a happy life. You'll get depressed eventually. U could even commit suicide or cut yourself.

However, when I watch TV I can't stop thinking, that people who don't have money are the happiest. They look content. Sure, I know that they are suffering but they got their family. I feel like they could take on anything together. So I guess, money is not what you need to be happy... It's still somehow important though...

My friend Julien recently got a girlfriend. He is one of those who believe that love is the most important thing in the world. He always says that love is all you need to lead a happy life. He doesn't look happier to me though. He is often depressed and complains to me about his girl. He looks older to me now. So I find it hard to believe that all you need to be happy is to be in love and have a special someone...

So is the special recipe for happiness family and friends? Well, I guess it doesn't hurt to have a family that understands you. They support you if you have problems. If you lucked out when you were born that is. You can't change the family you were born in. It's like a lucky draw. It's different with friends though. You have to make an effort to gain them. If you don't do that you'll never have friends you can depend on. So they are a lot of work. However, they should also be there when you need them. One of my friends was once depressed though. My closest friend. Arya was molested. Her family and her friends were there for her but she still was not happy. So even family and friendship is not a sure way to lead a happy life...

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