Chapter 6~ Morning Daddy

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|Hi! Okay I know I suck. To be honest I was having writer's block. Then a light bulb hit me on Valentine's Day so I started writing. It is now August. My writer's block is so bad. And also life has been pretty bad. I was failing classes then I had to go to summer school. Now my internet isn't working. Okay sorry for boring you with my life. Please take this picture of daddy Louis as an apology. On with the story.|

I woke up dazed and confused. I was in someone else's room, someone else's clothes, and altogether nothing made sense. I sat up in bed and yawned as I looked around. I saw a lump that was probably one of those body pillows under the blankets beside me. There were some clothes on the floor but that was pretty much the only mess.

Nope definitely not my room. Maybe this is one of those super realistic dreams and I'm just dreaming of waking up in a nicer and cleaner version of my room. I think to myself as I rub my eyes sleepily. "If this is a dream I'll just go back to bed," I say out loud, laying back and closing my eyes. I feel a warmth wrap itself around me and all of a sudden I remember the lump I had saw next to me is Louis. I was in Louis' bed. I was in his clothes. I had slept with him. I guess we were kinda dating. I CALLED HIM DADDY! THIS IS NOT A DREAM!

I open my eyes slowly to see Louis with his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. He opens one eye and his smile grows. "Go back to bed silly. You not dreaming you're not even sleeping." He says in a deep sleepy voice.

"Oh god... We had sex. Louis this is bad." I blush and bite my lip nervously. He opens his other eye and gives me a caring look.

"Calm down baby girl." Louis says and caresses my cheek "We'll be fine. And if you're really uncomfortable with what happened we can just go slow from now on. No need to freak out. I won't force you to do anything you don't want. I promise." He says gently.

"Okay" I nod with a smile and play with the locket he gave me in my hands.

"Now I don't even get a good morning?" Louis pouts.

"Morning Daddy." My blush grows redder and I smile sheepishly.

"Good morning baby girl." Louis smiles and kisses me lovingly. He pulls me closer to him. I smile and cuddle into him. "You hungry?" He asks and rests his head on top of mine.

"A little."

"Wanna go out and get some food or wanna eat here?" He asks.

"We can do what ever you want." I smile and just enjoy being near him, in love with the feeling and the smell of him. "But I only have my clothes from yesterday."

"We can go out. I'll let you borrow some sweatpants and a shirt." He smiled. "Let's get up and get ready."

He pulls away from me and stands up. He heads over to the closet and pulls out 2 pairs of sweatpants and 2 t-shirts as I get up. I find my bra and such from the night before and start to pile them up. Louis hands me a pair of gray sweatpants and a random black graphic tee. I quickly get dressed. Louis shirts are just a little bit too big for me but his sweatpants fit me well. I look over at Louis as I put my hair up into a bun. He's wearing a matching tee and black sweatpants that hug his butt nicely. I walk over to the bathroom attached to his bedroom and look in the mirror surprisingly my makeup stayed on well during the night so I just had to wipe some smudges. I can see Louis in the doorway as he smiles at me.

"Yes, Louis?" I smile and turn around.

"Nothing. Just bought you some socks." He hands me some white socks. "Also I could get used to this," he said and I put my socks on.

"Use to what?" I ask. "Also where are my shoes?"

"Downstairs and just used to you being here." He smiled. I blushed and headed downstairs where my black converse were thrown on the floor. I sat down on the stairs and put them on. Louis slipped on some vans and opened the front door for me. I felt a gust of cold air enter through the door.

"Looouuu" I whined. "It's cold out." Louis just laughs and throws a black hoodie at me from the coat rack. I put it on and since it's big the sleeves give me sweater paws. I exited the house and head to Louis' car.

Louis pulled into the parking lot of the Denny's in the next town over 20 minutes later. We walked in and there was a short line of people waiting. Louis checked his watch. "It's 6" He announced as if I had asked.

"People do eat breakfast at that time and this is the only Denny's for a good 50 miles," I said. "That's why they have like claw games for you to play," I say motioning to the claw machine designed for little kids. Louis looked at it as if it was a challenge. 

Currently, 2 little boys were playing on it as Louis walked over and placed a quarter down. "I call next play." He smiled at them. 

"My mom said I could play until they called us for a table." The one currently using it said matter-of-factly at Louis. Louis kneeled down to his level. 

"You see that pretty girl over there." Louis pointed at me. The boys looked and smiled at me waving. I waved back. They turned back to Louis and nodded. "She's my girlfriend and I really need to impress her." He explained. "So I really need to play this game so I can win her heart. You understand? So I'm begging you; please let me use it." He then starts to whisper in their ears as the hostess tapped me on the shoulder.

"How many?" She asked kinda rudely. 

"Oh two," I said with a smile. 

"Two?" She asked looking around for my other person. "What is your mom in the bathroom?" 

"No, I'm here with my boyfriend," I said using the same Matter-of-factly tone as the little boy. 

"It's okay to eat alone like a loser no need to lie. Anyway, the Last name of the party?" She asked.

"Um... Tomlinson, I guess." I said shocked at her rudeness. She wrote it down and walked away. As I turned back to Louis he was handing the boys each a dollar. They then ran up to me. 

"Excuse me." one said. "Your boyfriend is really great and is the best man ever."

"Yeah" The second one agreed before they both ran off. 

I walked up to Louis and watched as he played the claw game. "Paying off little kids. To think you're a teacher." I said softly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said as he concentrated on the light brown bear with a black lace bow. "I'm just trying to win my princess a prize." He grabbed it with the claw and it dropped into the tunnel. He grabbed it from the machine and handed it to me. 

"Awe thanks, Louis." I smiled.

"Anything for my baby girl." He smiled and kissed me softly.

"Tomlinson party of 2" Called out a waitress. Louis raised his hand and wrapped his other arm around my waist as he leads me to the waitress. 

"Right this way. I'm Rose by the way." she smiled and started to lead us to our table. As we passed the hostess she starred at us. I stuck my tongue out at her quite childishly which made Louis laugh even though he didn't know about what she had said. I'm sorry but she was just rude and deserved it. 

Breakfast was amazing though. We sat in a little booth in the corner. I stuffed my face full of pancakes and bacon which made Louis chuckle, which made me blush. I told him what the hostess had said to me which made him go on a rant about how the food service industry is getting worse which made me laugh so hard chocolate milk came out of my nose, which made him tell me how cute I was. All together it was just full of giggles and soft kisses. I really loved this side of Louis as much as I loved the other one. He was the full package, cute and cuddly yet sexy and dominate. He even blushed when I whispered the word daddy in his ear which made me laugh. Since he wouldn't have done that last night.

|There you go. WOOO that was pretty much just fluff. Anyway. WOW! like 2.7 reads. Thank you guys so much. Please Vote, Comment, and Follow me for updates. I'm sorry I haven't been updating. When I had ideas my wifi was off. Anyway, thank you so much!!|

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