chapter 02

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written by : yaritza

chapter 02

harry: are you awake?

niall: sadly yes. and how it looks like, you are too

harry: no i'm sleeping

niall: sure harry


niall: of course harry

harry: i'm just bored

niall: then go to sleep

harry: i can't

niall: why not?

harry:  sure i'm tired, yet i'm wide awake. my thoughts won't shut down. that's the problem

niall: oh

niall: i know how it is like

harry: hmm

niall: ya

harry: so what are you doing

niall: sitting on the balcony and watching the sky, you?

harry: texting you. watching the sky? are there many stars?

niall: uh no, just one

harry: ugh i meant if you can see them cause of the clouds ugh

niall: yes. the moon is also shining bright

harry: it's lightning my room up

niall: i would love being on the moon

harry: why?

niall: cause i wouldn't have to live the pain i'm in

harry: what pain, love?

niall: i said too much, goodnight harry.

harry: no !!!1!!1!1

harry: NEIL WAIT

harry: goodnight niall .

// \\

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love you all hahah x

-yo yari

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