chapter 13

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written by: yaritza
chapter 13

Niall: hey harry I just notice something

Harry: hm?

Niall: It was always about me,

Niall: so, it's time it's about you.

Harry: huh?

Niall: You know, me wanting to jump. But I wasn't the only one, so tell me..why?

Harry: I don't really like talking about niall, it's all okay now.

Niall: didn't look like it when we met yesterday

Harry: I'm fine

Niall: yeah you think so, but let me tell you something

Harry: ?

Niall: stop imagining that you're fine, it's okay to be sad. It doesn't mean that you're weak, it means that you're strong enough to not care

Harry: ...really, I'm fine

Niall: Oh and why did you put those '...' Before you wrote?

Harry: I don't like talking bout me problems

Niall: me neither

Niall: but you need to let it out, or you'll go crazy and I don't want to think further

Harry: oh but baby, I'm already crazy.

Niall: harry..please

Harry: no thanks

Niall: uGH!


Harry: burn my bridges down niall

Niall: uh what?

Harry: I will tell you step by step what my problems are

Niall: but?

Harry: there's no but just a wish

Niall: hm?

Harry: don't set me on fire and watch me burn after

Niall: I promise, I won't.

// \\

Okay idk but this makes me sad and happy



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