The Toy Maker's Heart

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(Jason's Point of View)
I woke up suddenly and saw either the marionette or someone dressed like her in my bed with me. Whoever it was, i was happy they were here. They made me feel complete, whole again.
This girl made me have a warm feeling inside. She was my angel. This girl had calmed me so much that i drifted off into sleep again.

(Nikki's Point of View)
I took Jason's music box into Ben's room and examined it more closely. It was very beautiful for being inside a toymaker for his whole life.

The music started playing again as i opened up the box. It looks like there is something in there, but i did't see anything inside the box. I guess that only Jason can see what is inside his heart.

The music emitting from the box became more beautiful and the toys in Ben's room started dancing on the floor.
I heard footsteps coming towards Jason's room. Ben must have lost the marionette or she gave up on him before he took off.

Ben's door opened and inside he came. "The job is done. The marionette will be back within an hour- um..Nikki? Why are my toys dancing?"
I forgot that the toys in his room were dancing to the music box's tune. He smiled when he saw the box. "He didn't put up a fight, did he?"
I shook my head and traced the golden designs on the box.
"You're tickling Jason when you do that," Ben said.
Soon enough, laughter was heard from Jason's room and i immediately stopped.

*an hour later when Marionette comes home*
We heard the door slam and footsteps run past Ben's room and into Jason's room. We peeked out of Ben's door and watched what would happen.

(Jason's point of view)

I woke up to my door slamming and Marionette trashing my toys. "That little green BRAT!" She was screaming her head off. "Can you calm down for just a minute Marionette? And stop trashing my creations!" Speaking of creations, i didn't hear my music box playing.

I froze in horror and anger when i realized my music box was missing. The Marionette took your heart Jason. Kill her. She is nothing to you. Do it.
I agreed with the voices this time. Only because i came to my senses before she brought a knife down on my head.
Grabbing the knife, i broke her wrist and threw her to the ground. "Where is my music box you piece of trash?!"
She screams bloody murder and tries to get away from me. I started laughing and my toys pinned her down.
"You've been a bad girl, Marionette Amy...." I took out a red toy mouse and shoved it down her throat, walking away. She screamed and exploded in a mass of wax and clay. I was glad she was out of my life, but she didn't have my music box. That's when it hit me. My beautiful flower has my heart.

The Love of a Toy Maker (Jason The Toy Maker x OC)Where stories live. Discover now