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In our world we are made for certain jobs and are kept in our bred lands. There are five top kingdoms..

Home of the Phoenix and the darkest lands here. The gates are guarded by hell hounds and hell warriors. there rich in money and fire crystals.

The king (alva) has ruled for millions of years over the lands.

Home of the polar bear and the prettiest of the lands is guarded by guardian angels. the lands don't believe in money but use ice crystals as currency.

There queen (chain) has ruled for few years; she was the queens daughter.

The home of the starfish is under the sea; the oceanic area is guarded by mermen and cared for by mermaids. pearls are a beautiful currency they use along with water crystals and seashells.

The sea king (jaha) has ruled for hundreds of years. he has made a pure world.

Home of the eagle and above the clouds is a land guarded by pegasus. the areas currency is cloud dust and controls all weather. the ones housed here live as free as a bird there apart from society and live with nature.

There king (Harij) is at his second year at ruling his daredevil society.

Home of the ground spider lives a mostly forgotten land. they were put beneath all other kingdoms into tunnels. they have no currency but the helping of others.

There Queen (saachi) is portrayed not a s a queen to most. she lives along side her people as one of them and faces the same problems.

Within these kingdoms lie subkingdoms. They live by the kingdoms above them.


The kingdoms only function correctly with the subkingdoms.

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