Chapter 2

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    It takes 12 hours to get to their destination during which Ro was forced to witness the girls temper and watch as she forces Jerome to help her use the bathroom away from the sight of certain "pervs" and later discuss the plan of action. Upon arrival outside the fence they put their plan into action.

Alisa walks up to the front gate with her frostbitten hands out as Ro and Jerome hide in the bushes. The guards see her hands and approach her with concerned looks on their faces. As they leave their posts Ro and Jerome slip inside and duck behind a tent as they scope out the base. "All we got to do is find the stones." Ro whispers. "If I'm compatible we should be fine. I've seen enough anime to know what to do." "What is anime?" Jerome asks. "Oh right...maybe I should find a way back after all." "Look." Jerome points. "On the other end of the camp there's a tent that looks more heavily guarded than the others. It must be in there." "Let's go then" Ro whispers as they begin to move. "Why did we do this in broad daylight again?" "I don't know, I guess we were rushing." They skirt around 6 soldiers before getting behind the tent in question and Ro cuts a slit in the back of the tent with his knife. "Hurry." He gestures to Jerome and ducks inside. "Shit"

Inside the tent is an important looking man who turns around in surprise almost choking on a piece of bread. The man yells "INTRUDER!!!" as Ro and Jerome take off through the camp dodging soldiers but soon they realize that no one is chasing them. "What's going on?" Ro asks looking around at the seemingly deserted camp. "It seems they're moving to the perimeters to try and trap us." "Then let's find the rocks and get the hell out of here." The two run through the interior tents and find nothing. "Looks like this was a failure. I hope Alisa is okay up front." Ro says as they approach the perimeter and the soldiers come into view. "Wow." Jerome exhales. About one hundred soldiers in total line this end of the fence alone each soldier with a partner posted every five feet. "How're we going to get through that?" "Magic." Ro answers while pointing at two rocks in a nearby tent. "Can't believe they left the flap open." "Let hurry before they notice." Jerome says leading the way as two guards immediately notice their approach.

"Figures." Ro says as they break out in a full sprint. The guards with their armor are much slower but that doesn't stop them from calling out for reinforcements. Ro ignores the guards and grabs for the nearest stone as the guards close in. Immediately Ro screams in pain as the stone melts into his palm. Jerome stands in front of his body as the guards slice the cloth from outside and rip the upper half off before surrounding them. "Well." says the commander as he walks towards them. "You seem to be quite intent on taking my magic stones when you can easily find your own in the wilderness." Ro regains his composure and faces the commander while holding his hand. "We don't have time for that."
"What's the rush?" The commander asks. "Does it have anything to do with this decoy we captured outside the gate?" Two guards step forward and toss a seething Alisa to the ground in front of them. "Give me the other stone." she growls. Jerome moves to press the second stone to her body as it begins to melt into his own hand to his utter surprise. "You idiot!" she yells. The commander sighs and steps back. "Kill them." The closest ring of surrounding guards draw their spears and inch forward as the second row draws swords and do the same. Ro extends his hands confidently and looks dejected and suddenly terrified when nothing happens. He gasps and looks to Jerome before preparing to face his death. "Shit."

The guards speed up to impale the two boys and girl when a dark flame suddenly erupts around Ro and pushes everything away from him including his allies. "Holy crap." He smiles as he extends his arm towards the commander. A large wall of black flame-like magic bursts from his palm and wipes out every soldier in that direction including the commander. The soldiers all simultaneously throw their spears and Ro extends both of his arms blasting away everything in the air. The soldier then drop their weapons and scatter as Ro kills a large number of them and laughing as easily as if he were playing a video game. He picks up Alisa and Jerome follows as they head back towards their wagon amidst the chaos when an abnormally large soldier blocks his path. "I may be late but I can't let you get away with killing my brothers." He says steadily. "I can't control my powers yet are you sure you want to try me today?" Ro asks. "That's exactly why." The man says as he stomps the ground catapulting Ro into the air.

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