Chapter 4

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"So, why were you stealing from soldiers anyway?" Ro asks the boy as they were walking a safe distance away from the alley where they buried the soldiers. "I did it cuz I don't like them." He says in a hateful tone." They're the reason my parents died so if I'm going to be poor and steal why not from them?" "Makes sense." Ro says with a small smile. "You know, since you don't seem like you have a home you can hang with us and we can harass the soldiers together. How about it?" The boy wavers for a few seconds. "I don't know. It seems like you're using me for something." "We just need you to be one of the members of our team in the upcoming tournament." Alisa says. "If you want to stay with us after that you can." "Do I have to pay for my own food?" He asks. "I like him already." Ro whispers to Jerome. "Well it doesn't seem as if anyone will be anyway because our last few meals before the tournament will be paid by the soldiers I just looted earlier." Jerome speaks up. "Quick thinking." Ro says patting his shoulder. "Nice."

"So." Alisa looks the boy in the eyes. "Are going to join?" "Yeah I'll join for the tournament." The boy decides. "But you have to give me all the soldiers' money afterwards and I'll decide then for sure." "Good." Alisa smiles. "So what's your name?" "My name is Rico."

"So." Ro says stretching his arms. "Only one person left. I can't wait." "So where are we going to sleep." Rico asks. "Where do you usually sleep?" Ro asks back. "There's too many of us for that." Rico responds. "Okay then, let's just sleep outside the tournament arena so we call see the competition and potential members. And they'll probably underestimate people who live on the street too." Alisa sighs. "Sure let's go."

On the way to the stadium they begin to grow hungry and Rico becomes tantalized by the sight of a big piece of meat a vendor was selling. So much so that he ran into the back of a large man who turns around swiftly. "Watch where you're going boy. You could get hurt like that." Rico glares at the man as Ro steps in between them. "Well, if it isn't Bruce the earth shark." "Shark?" "It's from a movie... Never mind. Anyway, it's a small world huh? Your arms still work?" Ro taunts. "Yes they do." Bruce responds while moving his arms in a circular motion to prove it.

"Good, because we just so happen to have an opening for you." Ro says with a smile. "An opening?" Bruce asks. "Hey why are you asking him? Didn't he attack us back in that camp?" Alisa asks Ro. "Yeah but he lost and this guy is weird, plus he believes in honor and all that crap." Ro whispers back. Alisa crosses her arms as Ro begins talking again. "Anyway I need you to be our last squad member as a personal favor to me." Bruce looks at them for a second and gets down on one knee. "It would be my honor to be of service to you. You have bested me and the losers always have to listen to the victor." "Told you this guy was weird." Ro says quietly. "It seems he forgot that his favor was telling us the information too." Jerome says. "Shut up." Ro hisses at him. "By any chance do you have a place to stay?" Alisa asks Bruce. "Yes, yes I do I'd be happy to let you stay for a night. Come, follow me."

Bruce leads them to a fancier looking neighborhood where the stone on the building actually looks fresh and clean and the roads are made of stone here as well. Rico looks around like a kid in a candy store. "Hey Rico, keep it together. We don't need to cause any trouble here for now." "Sure, whatever." Rico responds dismissively. Bruce suddenly stops and holds out his arm. "This is where I live." Ro looks unimpressed. "Seriously?" They stare in disbelief at the one house on the block that's smaller than all the others. On the inside there's only one room and it's filled with junk. Oh, and there's a kitchen too that also filled with junk. "What?" Bruce asks slightly embarrassed. "I didn't have time to clean up. I didn't know I was having guests." Ro can't help but smile at that comment. 'I feel like I've heard that before in my world.' "So where do we sleep? Alisa asks getting straight to the point. "In the corner over there. I'll lay out some mats for you." Bruce says heading for a closet which probably has mats in it.

"So the tournament's tomorrow." Ro says. "We need a name and a leader. I vote Alisa." "Huh?" is her response as everybody raises their hand to vote the same. "Well that's settled. Now for the name." "Rico squad." Rico suggests. "No." "The fearsome five some?" Jerome chimes in. "Really dude?" Jerome sits back down. "How about the Sharks?" Bruce asks as he returns with the mats. "No." "How about Silence? Because we silence our enemies." Rico suggests. "I like it." Ro says. Alisa thinks for a second. "No a certain big guy over there isn't silent at all. We'll just be Shady." "As long as we aren't slim too." Ro chuckles and looks around. "Oh right." "We'll nobody has any better ideas so we'll go with that." Jerome says as everyone else nods.

"I've finished setting up your beds guys." Bruce calls out to them as he lies on what can only be his personal mat. "Finally." Rico says as he flops down "Sleep." The five quickly begin to drift off to sleep even on the uncomfortable mats. It's better than sleeping outside after all. Right as Ro drifts into dreamland the thought hits him.

'It just occurred to me that we never asked what Rico's power was. Oh well.'

The next morning the group ate a rousing breakfast of bread and butter before heading to the arena. The other teams seemed to be relaxed and confident but the three who were connected to Frank's death are quiet and focused on the task ahead as Rico and Bruce watch in mild fascination. This is the turning point after all. This is their ticket to reaching the target of their efforts and the man who killed Frank that seemed quite shady himself.

Eight teams entered the main tournament after the preliminaries where the new Squad Shady s easily handled the competition. Their first match finally approaches and they step into the middle of the huge arena. There is a large forest like area to one side and a grassy field on the other. Ro and Alisa already are nodding at each other. The leader of the opposing team walks into the field, stares down Alisa and licks his lips. "You know I think there's only one thing you could beat me at." He says to her. "Why are all these guys so rude?" Jerome asks. Bruce scratches his head. "My comrades were never like that. Maybe it's just these guys in the city." "Doesn't matter." Ro smiles. "Maybe we'll kill him anyway. You ready Rico?" "Ready." Rico says excitedly.

The referee walks to the middle of the ring and holds three fingers up. "There are three rules. One, there is no interference from outside members. Two, don't hurt the crowd and three, don't touch me. If a member of a team gives up they cannot return to the match. The match continues until all members are out of the match or killed. I will decide whether or not a member can continue or not based on injuries. If you don't listen then oh well it's your fault you die. Now are both sides ready?" "Ready." Both sides confirm as the referee steps back.


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