The Quileute

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I gave Bella a small smile, My words of pure demand was seeping into her skull, the realization of my twisted soul's Command was frightening. I was frightening. I was the very existence of pure Darkness.

As much as I ignore what I am, I can never fully forget what could happen if I couldn't control myself, which happened often when I first turned.

"Now." I snapped, my eyes narrowed in determination as she pressed on her power, conveying as much energy she could into keeping me out.

I sighed at the sight. The Volturi can be kept out, but not me. "I'm sorry." I muttered, with a wave of my hand, she was on the floor in slight pain. Of course, for a vampire it was slight.

Edward began to get Nervous at my Impish and odd behavior. I mean, I was getting excited. A lust for harm.

I continuously knocked her over and over and I began to grow bored with this game. "I think that's enough for now." Carlisle spoke up as I nodded in agreement, trying to calm my Medieval thoughts of how gruesomely wrong I acted back in my early stages. I craved that feeling. It scared me.

I was dangerous and had a slight grasp on my powers. Not enough to keep me sane however. I was...Partially sane. In a way that made me..Normal...but not normal. However, No one is normal. Not even a Cold one like me. Not even a Human.

"I have an idea, Why doesn't Jake and Nat take Renesmee to see Emily? How's that?" Bella suggested, but immediately regretted at the thought of how they almost killed her.

"I think Natalya and Jacob can watch Renesmee better than anyone. Natalya can stand her ground against a few...Wolves." Esme spoke up, she nervously glanced at Benjamin who began to seethe with rage.

Benjamin knew that the Boy 'Seth' was going to be there. Too bad he had no control over what I did. I was going to take renesmee to see this girl 'Emily' and that was final.

"Alright then, Shall we take leave Jacob?" I said as He nodded, taking Renesmee's hand.

"Emily will like you. Don't worry. Vampire or not, You're practically Human." Jacob reassured me as I made my way to Benjamin, Pressing a kiss to his cheek and Leaving a smile to the rest.

Renesmee looked around, "Are we running or Driving?" She questioned maturely. I began to notice her height had grown slightly.

"Eh, why don't we take a car?" I Smiled as I flicked my hand, Black Fog began to appear, Circling the gravel trail in front of us.

"What the hell is that?" Jacob stated as he stood protectively in front of the Small child. Ugh, Wolves, So territorial. Ha.

"Relax. It's just me." I giggled as the Fog began to raise. Leaving behind my car. One that I had left behind in Russia.

A Matte black Camaro sat in front of us, it's engine already started, the keys already inside.

"Sweet ride." He awed as he ran is hand over the paint.

"Thank you! I got it last time I went to New York. I brought it back to Russia but I never used it. Running always was easier." I smiled as I pulled open my door, popping the front seat up, Letting Renesmee sit in the back seat.

I adjusted my chair back and sat down, Jacob taking the Passenger seat.

"This car." He awed once more as he ran his fingers over every inch of the door. The Dark Paint like silk to the touch.

"Don't streak the windows." I joked as Renesmee laughed at Jacob for being scolded.

"Where did you even get the money for this?" He questioned as I began driving.

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