Any other Teen Wolf.

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He slowly paced back and forth the cell and his sister removed the blood from the druids arm.

They screamed as his sister stuck a needle inside of them. "Try not to be as loud or you're parents will die quicker" She said to the druid who was breathing heavily in fear.

"Play nice sister"

"No" She shot back, not taking her eyes off the girl. 

The girl tried to struggle out of her chains but she there was no use. She couldn't escape. "I tell you I'm not who you're looking for!" She tried.

 His sister did nothing but smirk. "Please! Please!" The girl screamed once more, annoying the siblings.

"Oh will you shut up" Sister said, taking the needle out of the girl with once quick pull.

Elliot came in. His lips curved a smile. "Where is it?" He looked to Sister.

She handed over the tube filled to the top with red liquid. She grinned then turned back to the girl.

When he knew Elliot was gone and Sister was focused on torturing the girl, his brave face turned into a frown.

This wasn't the girl. He had proof, after his little encounter with the hunter. Now all he needed was proof to show the others.

By the others he meant the pack. The pack consisted of six, and soon to be seven after there mother comes back.

He was frozen at nineteen years of age, making him the second the youngest, apart from his sister who was seventeen.

She was extemely violent for a seventeen year old, more violent then any of the others.

He was indeed the most calm out of everyone. Yes, everyonce in a while he would do things like any other normal teen wolf would do, run, actually turn into a wolf, kill. Although he wasn't a normal wolf.

He wasn't a normal wolf thanks to the ritual. The druid ritual.

They need druid blood to perform the ritual. The blood can stregthen and weaken powers. It can bring life. It can cause death. Druid blood meant everything, that's why druids were so rare.

There were three druid bloodlines in the world and the three are hiding. This one needed to pick a better hiding place.

Mikaelson Mansion

8:00 am

Klaus watched as the girl entered the room, her blonde hair tumbling down her back over her denim jacket.

He smiled as she walked in, followed by the Gilbert boy. "I thought she'd be happier to see me" He smirked before going to her and lifting her chin up, "Extraordinary"

Juliet shivered at his touch, "I wouldn't think so" She answered.

Klaus grinned. "But you are. You are a druid, or more commonly known as a physic" He began to pace around her. "I'm guessing you told her then?" He asked Jeremy.

The gilbert boy gulped. "I thought it would be the right thing to do, I mean, she is the one they want after all"

"Well, one of them, the only clever one, wants her. I can't believe they would be stupid enough to mistake a druid for a human"

Juliet pushed her hair back over her shoulders, "So tell me about this Leo Suarez guy." She demanded.

Klaus stopped. "Steady on girl. We're getting there" He smirked before continuing to pace. "Leo Suarez is one the first werewolves of seven. His mother was a dangerous woman. When she was younger she killed six of her children when she turned on the full moon, including Leo himself. The only way to get them back. Druid blood. His mother had a witch. Her name was Katiya. Katiya did all the dirty work and found one druid girl. It wasn't just a trip across the road. There is only one druid of full power alive at a time-"

"That can't be, the guy who was sent for me said there were more, in this town"

Klaus got annoyed then took a deep breathe. "Do not interrupt. What you are saying is true. But there is only one druid of full power. The others come into the story later on"

Juliet raised an eyebrow. None of what he was saying made sense to her, but she carried on listening. "So Katiya found the druid girl. Where? Old Mystic Falls. The druid of full power is who's blood they'd take from. The others perform the ritual to bring back the wolves and keep them alive"

"So they need my blood to bring someone back from the dead?"

"Well yes. Your blood can bring someone back from the dead and make them immortal. Now they have your sister, and they're going to kill her to bring back the person who killed for them"

Klaus came behind her, pushed her hair away from her ear, then whispered. "Their mother"

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